Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
12 Days of Christmas HumanoidCPU 2,369
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,005
Cubes HumanoidCPU 2,828
Tutorial gigaprofisi 76
Quine plcc0 3
Fractions emgordon154 2
Quine JunkIce 3
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,432
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,004
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 648
Tutorial my-company-my 76
Leyland Numbers HumanoidCPU 887
Quine Yewzir 3
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 15
ROT13 Yewzir 3
Tutorial targrik 26
Tutorial MeWhenI 26
Pangram Grep kg583 6
Tutorial plcc0 17
ISBN kg583 25
Fizz Buzz HumanoidCPU 415
Leyland Numbers kg583 22
Medal Tally kg583 44
Tutorial emgordon154 17
Sierpiński Triangle kg583 25
Diamonds kg583 17
Zeckendorf Representation kg583 30
Arithmetic Numbers kg583 21
Factorial Factorisation kg583 22
Fizz Buzz Yewzir 21
Seven Segment Yewzir 35
Leyland Numbers emgordon154 32
Fizz Buzz edsrzf 21
Van Eck Sequence emgordon154 16
Tutorial edsrzf 20
Card Number Validation kg583 25
Recamán kg583 28
Rule 110 kg583 29
Abundant Numbers (Long) kg583 16
Smith Numbers kg583 23
Diamonds emgordon154 19
Smith Numbers emgordon154 24
Fizz Buzz emgordon154 27
Collatz emgordon154 27
Abundant Numbers kg583 11
Ordinal Numbers kg583 27
Van Eck Sequence kg583 14
Inventory Sequence kg583 15
Pascal’s Triangle kg583 11
Fractions CLOStrophobic 2
ROT13 CLOStrophobic 3
Fizz Buzz CLOStrophobic 21
Collatz kg583 18
Leap Years kg583 21
Christmas Trees kg583 26
Lucky Tickets kg583 29
Look and Say kg583 15
Kolakoski Sequence kg583 23
Gijswijt’s Sequence kg583 42
Transpose Sentence kg583 5
Odious Numbers (Long) kg583 7
Evil Numbers (Long) kg583 9
Happy Numbers (Long) kg583 15
Emirp Numbers kg583 16
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar kg583 45
Tutorial kg583 17
Emirp Numbers (Long) kg583 17
Seven Segment kg583 42
Pernicious Numbers (Long) DialFrost 10
Pernicious Numbers DialFrost 9
Fractions kg583 2
Fractions DialFrost 2
Happy Numbers kg583 16
Pernicious Numbers (Long) kg583 8
Pernicious Numbers kg583 7