The Set hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Rankings: Holes

Fibonacci in Elixir in bytes.

# Golfer Points Bytes Time
1st Lydxn 🇨🇦 1,000 49
1st GrayJoKing 🇦🇺 1,000 49
1st Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 1,000 49
1st Steffan153 🇫🇮 1,000 49
1st JayXon 🇺🇸 1,000 49
1st error256 1,000 49
7th btnlq 961 51
7th DialFrost 🇸🇬 961 51
9th SirBogman 🇺🇸 942 52
10th thomas9911 907 54
10th edsrzf 🇳🇿 907 54
12th MateuszPietrzak 🇵🇱 875 56
12th kgodara 875 56
12th emgordon154 875 56
15th tamanugi 🇯🇵 845 58
16th jipsong 🇩🇪 766 64
17th nwunderly 742 66
18th Yewzir 731 67
19th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 700 70
20th cdevine49 690 71
21st JRaspass 🇬🇧 620 79
22nd kellantech 605 81
23rd Maximizer02 598 82
23rd epic-programmer-guy 598 82
25th mathisfun271 583 84
26th voytxt 🇨🇿 538 91
27th madeforlosers 527 93
28th dokutan 490 100
29th oceko 454 108
30th CheeseCake628 🇳🇴 415 118
31st Natanaelel 🇸🇪 374 131
32nd Waffle3z 345 142
32nd KatieLG 🇬🇧 345 142
32nd KatieLG-Transpiler 🇬🇧 345 142
32nd retrohun 345 142
32nd StronkCheese 🇺🇸 345 142
32nd HumanoidCPU 345 142
32nd Mabeloid 🇳🇴 345 142
32nd CaedenHarper 🇨🇦 345 142
40th Herbert00709 🇵🇱 297 165
41st Adix-null 🇱🇹 283 173
42nd snoozingnewt 🇺🇸 282 174
43rd kkoenig 263 186
44th jtaxen 202 242