Herbert00709 (he/him) πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±






66 / 108 Holes


32 / 58 Langs


35 / 75 Cheevos



Mandrzejy solved ISBN in C++
Mandrzejy solved ISBN in C
Herbert00709 solved Fibonacci in Dart
Herbert00709 solved Fibonacci in Civet
Herbert00709 solved Ο€ in Assembly
canissimia solved PalindromemordnilaP in Ruby
canissimia solved PalindromemordnilaP in Python
canissimia solved PalindromemordnilaP in GolfScript
Herbert00709 solved Prime Numbers in Python
duckyluuk solved Spelling Numbers in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Spelling Numbers in Python
Herbert00709 solved Smith Numbers in C++
canissimia solved PalindromemordnilaP in brainfuck
Herbert00709 solved Happy Numbers (Long) in C++
duckyluuk solved Quine in ><>
duckyluuk solved Reverse Polish Notation in GolfScript
Herbert00709 solved Look and Say in C
Herbert00709 solved Look and Say in C++
Herbert00709 solved Farey Sequence in C
duckyluuk earned πŸ¦‹ Real Programmers
duckyluuk solved Fibonacci in VimL
duckyluuk solved Zeckendorf Representation in JavaScript
Herbert00709 solved Farey Sequence in Python
Herbert00709 solved Farey Sequence in C++
lyphyser solved PalindromemordnilaP in Assembly
primo-ppcg solved Fibonacci in COBOL
canissimia solved PalindromemordnilaP in Perl
canissimia solved PalindromemordnilaP in sed
canissimia earned 🦫 Busy Beaver
duckyluuk solved PalindromemordnilaP in JavaScript
duckyluuk solved PalindromemordnilaP in Coconut
duckyluuk solved PalindromemordnilaP in Python
duckyluuk solved PalindromemordnilaP in Rockstar
duckyluuk solved Prime Numbers in Python
duckyluuk solved Transpose Sentence in JavaScript
lyphyser solved Pangram Grep in Assembly
lyphyser solved Fizz Buzz in Scheme
lyphyser solved Niven Numbers in Assembly
duckyluuk solved Ξ³ in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Musical Chords in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Musical Chords in Python
duckyluuk solved Ξ» in Coconut
duckyluuk solved 24 Game in Coconut
duckyluuk solved QR Decoder in Coconut
duckyluuk solved QR Decoder in Python
duckyluuk solved Sudoku v2 in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Proximity Grid in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Proximity Grid in Python
duckyluuk solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Python
duckyluuk solved Seven Segment in Coconut
duckyluuk solved DFA Simulator in Coconut
duckyluuk solved DFA Simulator in Python
duckyluuk solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Coconut
duckyluuk solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Python
duckyluuk solved Morse Encoder in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Morse Encoder in Python
duckyluuk solved Game of Life in Coconut
duckyluuk solved brainfuck in Coconut
duckyluuk solved brainfuck in Python
duckyluuk solved Morse Decoder in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Poker in Coconut
duckyluuk solved 12 Days of Christmas in Coconut
duckyluuk solved 12 Days of Christmas in Python
duckyluuk solved Poker in Python
duckyluuk solved 24 Game in Python
duckyluuk solved Sudoku v2 in Python
duckyluuk solved Ten-pin Bowling in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Sudoku in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Coconut
duckyluuk solved SI Units in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Reversi in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Maze in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Mahjong in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Lucky Tickets in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Catalan’s Constant in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Lucky Numbers in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Intersection in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Tongue-twisters in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Ascending Primes in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Coconut
duckyluuk solved RecamΓ‘n in Coconut
duckyluuk solved ISBN in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Rule 110 in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Kolakoski Constant in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Ordinal Numbers in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Pangram Grep in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Fizz Buzz in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Fractions in Coconut
duckyluuk solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Emirp Numbers in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Zeckendorf Representation in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Leyland Numbers in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Smith Numbers in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Arrows in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Coconut
primo-ppcg solved Lucky Tickets in C#
orthoplex solved Seven Segment in SQL