Herbert00709 (he/him) ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ






70 / 113 Holes


40 / 61 Langs


43 / 78 Cheevos



duckyluuk solved Reverse Polish Notation in Rockstar 2
lyphyser solved Connect Four in Assembly
lyphyser solved Recamรกn in Assembly
lyphyser solved Arithmetic Numbers in Assembly
duckyluuk solved Tic-tac-toe in Rockstar 2
lyphyser solved Hexdump in Assembly
duckyluuk solved Spelling Numbers in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved N Queens in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Rockstar 2
lyphyser earned ๐Ÿฅฐ Hugs and Kisses
duckyluuk solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Rockstar
duckyluuk solved Tic-tac-toe in JavaScript
duckyluuk solved Tic-tac-toe in Rockstar
duckyluuk earned ๐Ÿฅฐ Hugs and Kisses
duckyluuk solved Day of Week in Rockstar 2
lyphyser solved Apรฉryโ€™s Constant in Assembly
lyphyser solved Rijndael S-box in Assembly
canissimia solved Scrambled Alphabetization in Ruby
lyphyser solved Gray Code Encoder in Assembly
lyphyser solved Gray Code Decoder in Assembly
lyphyser solved Minesweeper in Assembly
duckyluuk solved Rule 110 in Rockstar 2
lyphyser solved Scrambled Alphabetization in Assembly
lyphyser solved Hilbert Curve in Assembly
lyphyser solved p-adic Expansion in Assembly
lyphyser solved Calendar in Assembly
orthoplex solved Quine in Rust
lyphyser solved Day of Week in Assembly
lyphyser solved Day of Week in C
lyphyser solved Fractions in Assembly
lyphyser solved Kolakoski Sequence in Assembly
lyphyser solved Mandelbrot in Python
lyphyser solved Mandelbrot in C++
lyphyser solved Mandelbrot in Assembly
lyphyser solved Tutorial in Assembly
lyphyser solved Jacobi Symbol in Assembly
lyphyser solved Set in Assembly
canissimia solved Tic-tac-toe in AWK
lyphyser solved Star Wars GPT in Assembly
duckyluuk solved ln 2 in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved ฮป in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved ฯ€ in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved ฯ„ in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved ฯ† in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved โˆš2 in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved ๐‘’ in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved ฮณ in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved Lucky Numbers in Rockstar 2
primo-ppcg solved Leyland Numbers in Common Lisp
primo-ppcg solved Fractions in Common Lisp
duckyluuk solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved 12 Days of Christmas in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved Tic-tac-toe in Coconut
duckyluuk solved Tic-tac-toe in Python
primo-ppcg solved Arithmetic Numbers in Common Lisp
canissimia solved Tic-tac-toe in sed
canissimia solved Tic-tac-toe in Crystal
canissimia solved Tic-tac-toe in Ruby
canissimia solved Tic-tac-toe in Perl
lyphyser solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Assembly
lyphyser solved DFA Simulator in Assembly
lyphyser solved Number Spiral in Assembly
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Bash
lyphyser solved Van Eck Sequence in Assembly
lyphyser solved Intersection in Assembly
lyphyser solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Assembly
lyphyser solved Emirp Numbers in Assembly
lyphyser solved Partition Numbers in Assembly
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in sed
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Crystal
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in PHP
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Perl
lyphyser earned ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ rm -rf
lyphyser solved Fibonacci in Rockstar 2
duckyluuk solved Lucky Numbers in Python
duckyluuk solved Van Eck Sequence in Rockstar 2
primo-ppcg solved Day of Week in Janet
lyphyser solved Tic-tac-toe in Assembly
primo-ppcg solved Medal Tally in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Musical Chords in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved Card Number Validation in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Zeckendorf Representation in GolfScript
primo-ppcg solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Common Lisp
Herbert00709 solved ๐‘’ in C
Herbert00709 solved ฯ„ in C
Herbert00709 solved ฯ€ in C
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Janet
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Common Lisp
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Bash
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in COBOL
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in AWK
primo-ppcg solved Proximity Grid in Factor
canissimia solved Tutorial in sed
primo-ppcg solved Factorial Factorisation in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved PalindromemordnilaP in GolfScript
primo-ppcg solved PalindromemordnilaP in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Reversi in Perl