StronkCheese πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ



51 / 106 Holes


36 / 55 Langs


31 / 70 Cheevos


Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Raku
Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Ruby
Lydxn solved Pascal’s Triangle in Coconut
Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Python
KatieLG solved Transpose Sentence in JavaScript
KatieLG solved Transpose Sentence in Ruby
KatieLG solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
KatieLG solved Transpose Sentence in Python
retrohun solved N Queens in sed
KatieLG solved Hexdump in Ruby
KatieLG solved Hexdump in Coconut
KatieLG solved Hexdump in Python
KatieLG solved ASCII Table in Coconut
KatieLG earned ☣️ Biohazard
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers in Assembly
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Python
KatieLG solved Game of Life in Ruby
KatieLG solved Zodiac Signs in Coconut
KatieLG solved Zodiac Signs in Ruby
KatieLG solved Zodiac Signs in Python
KatieLG solved ISBN in JavaScript
KatieLG solved ISBN in Python
KatieLG solved Prime Numbers in COBOL
KatieLG solved QR Decoder in Python
KatieLG solved Musical Chords in Coconut
KatieLG solved Arabic to Roman in COBOL
KatieLG solved Arrows in Ruby
KatieLG solved Arrows in Coconut
KatieLG solved Arrows in Python
retrohun solved Pangram Grep in AWK
retrohun solved Pangram Grep in Bash
KatieLG earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
Lydxn earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
retrohun earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
StronkCheese earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
KatieLG solved Zeckendorf Representation in Coconut
KatieLG solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
retrohun solved Zeckendorf Representation in Bash
KatieLG solved Zeckendorf Representation in Ruby
KatieLG solved Zeckendorf Representation in JavaScript
KatieLG solved Proximity Grid in Rockstar
KatieLG solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Rockstar
retrohun solved Day of Week in AWK
KatieLG solved Mahjong in Coconut
KatieLG solved Reversi in Coconut
KatieLG solved Reversi in Python
retrohun solved Fibonacci in TeX
KatieLG solved Repeating Decimals in Ruby
KatieLG solved Repeating Decimals in Crystal
retrohun solved Evil Numbers in C
retrohun solved brainfuck in Python
KatieLG earned 🍱 Omniglutton
Lydxn earned 🍱 Omniglutton
retrohun earned 🍱 Omniglutton
Lydxn solved Zodiac Signs in Coconut
Lydxn solved Zodiac Signs in Python
KatieLG solved Zodiac Signs in Swift
KatieLG solved Poker in SQL
retrohun solved Leap Years in AWK
retrohun solved Day of Week in Bash
retrohun solved Arithmetic Numbers in Bash
retrohun solved United States in sed
retrohun solved Farey Sequence in Bash
KatieLG solved Repeating Decimals in Lua
KatieLG solved Farey Sequence in JavaScript
KatieLG solved 12 Days of Christmas in Coconut
KatieLG solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Crystal
KatieLG solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Ruby
KatieLG solved Rule 110 in JavaScript
KatieLG solved ISBN in Crystal
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Coconut
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in Python
KatieLG solved ISBN in Ruby
KatieLG solved ISBN in Coconut
KatieLG solved N Queens in Janet
KatieLG solved 24 Game in Janet
KatieLG solved 24 Game in Hexagony
KatieLG solved Fractions in Bash
KatieLG solved Day of Week in Go
KatieLG solved Day of Week in Java
KatieLG solved Day of Week in JavaScript
KatieLG solved Day of Week in Crystal
KatieLG solved Day of Week in Ruby
KatieLG solved Reversi in SQL
KatieLG solved Seven Segment in SQL
retrohun solved Day of Week in Python
KatieLG solved brainfuck in Bash
KatieLG solved brainfuck in Java
retrohun solved Reversi in sed
KatieLG solved Sudoku v2 in C#
KatieLG solved Sudoku in C#
KatieLG solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C#
KatieLG solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in C#
KatieLG solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in C#
KatieLG solved Seven Segment in C#
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in Go
Lydxn solved Arabic to Roman in JavaScript
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in Lua
Lydxn solved Levenshtein Distance in Coconut