All holes in all languages in bytes. Cheevos Holes Recent Holes Langs Medals Misc All Holes 12 Days of Christmas 24 Game 99 Bottles of Beer Abundant Numbers Abundant Numbers (Long) Arabic to Roman Arithmetic Numbers Arrows Ascending Primes ASCII Table Billiards brainfuck Card Number Validation Catalan Numbers Catalan’s Constant Christmas Trees Collatz CSS Colors Cubes Day of Week DFA Simulator Diamonds Divisors Emirp Numbers Emirp Numbers (Long) Emojify Evil Numbers Evil Numbers (Long) Factorial Factorisation Farey Sequence Fibonacci Fizz Buzz Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Forsyth–Edwards Notation Fractions Game of Life Gijswijt’s Sequence Happy Numbers Happy Numbers (Long) Hexdump Intersection Inventory Sequence ISBN Jacobi Symbol Kaprekar Numbers Kolakoski Constant Kolakoski Sequence Leap Years Levenshtein Distance Leyland Numbers ln 2 Look and Say Lucky Numbers Lucky Tickets Mahjong Maze Medal Tally Morse Decoder Morse Encoder Musical Chords N Queens Niven Numbers Niven Numbers (Long) Number Spiral Odious Numbers Odious Numbers (Long) Ordinal Numbers PalindromemordnilaP Pangram Grep Pascal’s Triangle Pernicious Numbers Pernicious Numbers (Long) Poker Polyominoes Prime Numbers Prime Numbers (Long) Proximity Grid QR Decoder Quine Recamán Repeating Decimals Reverse Polish Notation Reversi Rijndael S-box Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard Roman to Arabic ROT13 Rule 110 Seven Segment SI Units Sierpiński Triangle Smith Numbers Spelling Numbers Star Wars Opening Crawl Sudoku Sudoku (Fill-in) Ten-pin Bowling Tic-tac-toe Time Distance Tongue-twisters Transpose Sentence United States Vampire Numbers Van Eck Sequence Zeckendorf Representation Zodiac Signs γ λ π τ φ √2 𝑒 All Languages ><> Assembly AWK Bash BASIC Berry brainfuck C C# C++ Civet Clojure COBOL Coconut Common Lisp Crystal D Dart Elixir F# Factor Forth Fortran Gleam Go GolfScript Haskell Hexagony J Janet Java JavaScript jq Julia K Kotlin Lua Nim OCaml Pascal Perl PHP PowerShell Prolog Python R Raku Rockstar Rockstar 2 Ruby Rust Scheme sed SQL Swift Tcl TeX V VimL Wren Zig All Bytes Chars Scoring All Bytes Chars Language All ><> Assembly AWK Bash BASIC Berry brainfuck C C# C++ Civet Clojure COBOL Coconut Common Lisp Crystal D Dart Elixir F# Factor Forth Fortran Gleam Go GolfScript Haskell Hexagony J Janet Java JavaScript jq Julia K Kotlin Lua Nim OCaml Pascal Perl PHP PowerShell Prolog Python R Raku Rockstar Rockstar 2 Ruby Rust Scheme sed SQL Swift Tcl TeX V VimL Wren Zig Hole All 12 Days of Christmas 24 Game 99 Bottles of Beer Abundant Numbers Abundant Numbers (Long) Arabic to Roman Arithmetic Numbers Arrows Ascending Primes ASCII Table Billiards brainfuck Card Number Validation Catalan Numbers Catalan’s Constant Christmas Trees Collatz CSS Colors Cubes Day of Week DFA Simulator Diamonds Divisors Emirp Numbers Emirp Numbers (Long) Emojify Evil Numbers Evil Numbers (Long) Factorial Factorisation Farey Sequence Fibonacci Fizz Buzz Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Forsyth–Edwards Notation Fractions Game of Life Gijswijt’s Sequence Happy Numbers Happy Numbers (Long) Hexdump Intersection Inventory Sequence ISBN Jacobi Symbol Kaprekar Numbers Kolakoski Constant Kolakoski Sequence Leap Years Levenshtein Distance Leyland Numbers ln 2 Look and Say Lucky Numbers Lucky Tickets Mahjong Maze Medal Tally Morse Decoder Morse Encoder Musical Chords N Queens Niven Numbers Niven Numbers (Long) Number Spiral Odious Numbers Odious Numbers (Long) Ordinal Numbers PalindromemordnilaP Pangram Grep Pascal’s Triangle Pernicious Numbers Pernicious Numbers (Long) Poker Polyominoes Prime Numbers Prime Numbers (Long) Proximity Grid QR Decoder Quine Recamán Repeating Decimals Reverse Polish Notation Reversi Rijndael S-box Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard Roman to Arabic ROT13 Rule 110 Seven Segment SI Units Sierpiński Triangle Smith Numbers Spelling Numbers Star Wars Opening Crawl Sudoku Sudoku (Fill-in) Ten-pin Bowling Tic-tac-toe Time Distance Tongue-twisters Transpose Sentence United States Vampire Numbers Van Eck Sequence Zeckendorf Representation Zodiac Signs γ λ π τ φ √2 𝑒 # Golfer 🥇 💎 🥈 🥉 1st JayXon 🇺🇸 1,738 (750) 234 100 2nd Lydxn 🇨🇦 1,289 (179) 168 83 3rd ovs-code 🇩🇪 1,077 (499) 259 256 4th primo-ppcg 🇹🇭 948 (378) 359 233 5th Steffan153 🇫🇮 872 (108) 298 256 6th GrayJoKing 🇦🇺 842 (265) 283 219 7th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 714 (391) 625 705 8th sean-niemann 🇺🇸 691 (108) 224 205 9th sisyphus-ppcg 🇦🇺 450 (38) 71 93 10th pardouin 🇫🇷 439 (37) 56 59 11th DialFrost 🇸🇬 435 (26) 120 169 12th nwellnhof 🇩🇪 416 (106) 198 143 13th Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 409 (142) 226 306 14th lynn 340 (44) 117 123 15th btnlq 300 (64) 70 61 16th m-tkach 🇺🇦 297 (107) 94 54 17th stefangimmillaro 279 (65) 161 159 18th HPWiz 🇳🇿 271 (64) 33 25 19th edsrzf 🇳🇿 225 (96) 71 61 20th canissimia 🇦🇶 219 (180) 12 1 21st emgordon154 206 (53) 113 133 22nd saito-ta 🇯🇵 202 (94) 60 29 23rd xsot 🇸🇬 198 (38) 28 35 24th Yewzir 🇧🇪 195 (9) 56 98 25th SirBogman 🇺🇸 188 (45) 152 136 26th prplz 🇦🇺 174 (1) 19 21 27th kg583 🇺🇸 159 (69) 82 27 28th rucin93 🇵🇱 145 (10) 38 42 29th inventshah 134 (13) 50 47 30th GolfingSuccess 🇬🇷 126 (21) 59 74 31st error256 124 (44) 35 32 32nd emplv 🇱🇻 119 (24) 43 54 33rd jared-hughes 111 (60) 53 44 34th AlephSquirrel 111 (31) 45 35 35th zacjl 110 (38) 19 6 36th clockworknazo 104 (30) 13 11 37th duckyluuk 🇳🇱 100 (32) 31 40 38th orthoplex 🇨🇽 99 (7) 7 7 39th lyphyser 93 (69) 30 4 40th CaedenHarper 🇨🇦 90 (0) 19 43 41st dokutan 87 (9) 91 225 42nd Betuaredead 86 (0) 0 3 43rd IanUtley 81 (50) 11 6 44th lukegustafson 🇺🇸 81 (12) 4 2 45th Bubbler-4 79 (2) 21 35 46th neel11235813 77 (0) 6 7 47th AdrienHache 🇫🇷 76 (45) 25 8 48th lifthrasiir 🇰🇷 76 (26) 35 21 49th xnor-gate 75 (4) 7 11 50th Natanaelel 🇸🇪 72 (0) 9 38 51st o0lit3 🇺🇸 68 (2) 9 19 52nd bitsandbeyond 🇳🇱 61 (31) 23 11 53rd Kacarott 🇦🇺 60 (16) 29 20 54th radarek 🇵🇱 58 (3) 3 3 55th annaproxy 57 (1) 20 28 56th b-illy 🇬🇧 56 (0) 2 2 57th janbehrens 🇩🇪 54 (2) 17 48 58th KatieLG 🇬🇧 52 (6) 79 167 59th scpchicken 🇵🇼 52 (0) 6 8 60th rak1507 🇬🇧 51 (0) 1 1 61st antimon2 🇯🇵 50 (12) 16 15 62nd Irratix 🇳🇱 48 (0) 3 6 63rd UnderKoen 🇳🇱 46 (34) 36 14 64th rhdqor213 43 (17) 5 7 65th voytxt 🇨🇿 41 (0) 6 14 66th NewDefectus 🇮🇱 40 (0) 13 26 67th 2bular 38 (3) 8 4 68th FlyingPenguin223 38 (1) 3 6 69th khvdm 38 (0) 0 1 70th andersk 🇺🇸 37 (2) 18 18 71st stackofbears 35 (0) 4 6 72nd Frowny 34 (0) 11 3 73rd Rubiksmath 34 (0) 1 4 74th 386asm 🇺🇸 33 (21) 11 15 75th BREMAUCY 🇫🇷 33 (1) 8 24 1–75 of 1,444 Next