The Set hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Irratix ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ



100 / 114 Holes


22 / 60 Langs


47 / 78 Cheevos


3 Holes Authored

emplv solved ฯ„ in Civet
rucin93 solved Emojify in Berry
emplv solved Ascending Primes in Civet
emplv solved Card Number Validation in Civet
emplv solved Repeating Decimals in Civet
rucin93 solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Berry
emplv solved DFA Simulator in Civet
emplv solved Tic-tac-toe in Civet
emplv solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Civet
emplv solved Seven Segment in Civet
emplv solved QR Decoder in Civet
emplv solved Lucky Tickets in Civet
emplv solved Partition Numbers in Civet
emplv solved ISBN in Civet
rucin93 solved Fibonacci in Gleam
emplv solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Civet
emplv solved Happy Numbers in Civet
emplv solved Day of Week in Civet
rucin93 solved ฯ† in Erlang
rucin93 solved Collatz in Gleam
rucin93 solved Tongue-twisters in Berry
rucin93 solved Repeating Decimals in Berry
rucin93 solved CSS Colors in Berry
JayXon solved Transpose Sentence in Zig
JayXon solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Rust
rucin93 solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Berry
rucin93 solved Polyominoes in Berry
rucin93 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Berry
primo-ppcg solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in J
rucin93 solved Polyominoes in Gleam
rucin93 solved Polyominoes in Kotlin
JayXon solved 12 Days of Christmas in Rust
primo-ppcg solved Abundant Numbers in J
primo-ppcg solved Smith Numbers in J
primo-ppcg solved Pangram Grep in J
primo-ppcg solved Niven Numbers in J
primo-ppcg solved Happy Numbers (Long) in J
primo-ppcg solved Happy Numbers in J
primo-ppcg solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in J
primo-ppcg solved Emirp Numbers in J
primo-ppcg solved Arithmetic Numbers in J
JayXon solved Poker in Coconut
JayXon solved Poker in Python
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Crystal
JayXon solved Morse Encoder in Crystal
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in C
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in C++
rucin93 solved Tongue-twisters in JavaScript
rucin93 solved Leyland Numbers in Gleam
rucin93 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Gleam
rucin93 solved Tongue-twisters in Gleam
rucin93 solved CSS Colors in Gleam
rucin93 solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Gleam
JayXon solved ฯ„ in C#
JayXon solved ฯ€ in C#
JayXon solved Kolakoski Sequence in Haskell
rucin93 solved Rijndael S-box in JavaScript
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Elixir
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Berry
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in F#
JayXon solved ASCII Table in Rust
emplv solved ฯ„ in JavaScript
jared-hughes solved Tic-tac-toe in TeX
rucin93 solved ฯ„ in Python
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Zig
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Rust
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Kotlin
JayXon solved Spelling Numbers in Python
rucin93 solved ฯ€ in Java
rucin93 solved ฯ„ in Civet
rucin93 solved ฯ„ in JavaScript
rucin93 solved ฯ€ in Python
rucin93 solved ฯ€ in Civet
rucin93 solved ฯ€ in JavaScript
rucin93 solved Fizz Buzz in Gleam
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Julia
rucin93 solved Tutorial in Gleam
rucin93 solved Divisors in Gleam
rucin93 solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Gleam
rucin93 solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Gleam
rucin93 solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Gleam
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Nim
rucin93 solved Prime Numbers in Gleam
rucin93 solved Tutorial in COBOL
rucin93 solved Tutorial in AWK
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Lua
rucin93 solved Cubes in Gleam
JayXon solved Lucky Numbers in Lua
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Wren
rucin93 solved Tongue-twisters in Python
rucin93 solved Odious Numbers in Gleam
rucin93 solved Evil Numbers in Gleam
rucin93 solved Pernicious Numbers in Gleam
rucin93 solved Partition Numbers in AWK
rucin93 solved Recamรกn in Coconut
rucin93 solved Recamรกn in Python
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Swift
JayXon solved Partition Numbers in Go
JayXon solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C++
JayXon solved Prime Numbers in C++