


112 / 112 Holes


61 / 61 Langs


52 / 77 Cheevos


AdrienHache solved ฮณ in C#
AdrienHache solved Fizz Buzz in C#
AdrienHache solved Spelling Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Rust
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in D
AdrienHache solved Ten-pin Bowling in Assembly
AdrienHache solved DFA Simulator in Assembly
AdrienHache solved DFA Simulator in C#
AdrienHache solved Cubes in C#
lyphyser solved Fizz Buzz in Gleam
lyphyser solved Levenshtein Distance in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Zeckendorf Representation in C#
AdrienHache solved ฮป in C#
AdrienHache solved Polyominoes in C#
AdrienHache solved Sudoku in C#
AdrienHache solved Poker in C#
AdrienHache solved Ten-pin Bowling in C#
AdrienHache solved ๐‘’ in C#
AdrienHache solved 24 Game in C#
nwellnhof solved ROT13 in Perl
nwellnhof solved ROT13 in Raku
AdrienHache solved Jacobi Symbol in C#
commandblockguy solved Fizz Buzz in Gleam
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿช„ Disappearing Act
AdrienHache solved Morse Decoder in C#
AdrienHache solved Rule 110 in C#
AdrienHache solved Sudoku (Fill-in) in C#
AdrienHache solved Mahjong in C#
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in C#
lyphyser solved Sudoku (Fill-in) in Assembly
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿฆซ Busy Beaver
AdrienHache solved Quine in C#
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿชž Solve Quine
AdrienHache solved ISBN in C#
AdrienHache solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C#
AdrienHache solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
lyphyser solved Leap Years in Assembly
CatsAreFluffy solved ROT13 in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in C#
AdrienHache solved SI Units in C#
AdrienHache solved Time Distance in C#
AdrienHache solved ROT13 in C#
AdrienHache solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in C#
AdrienHache solved Maze in C#
lyphyser solved Reverse Polish Notation in Assembly
lyphyser solved Jacobi Symbol in Assembly
commandblockguy solved ROT13 in Coconut
commandblockguy solved ROT13 in Python
commandblockguy solved Fizz Buzz in Rockstar 2
lyphyser solved PalindromemordnilaP in Assembly
lyphyser solved Roman to Arabic in Assembly
lyphyser solved Zodiac Signs in Assembly
lyphyser solved Morse Encoder in Assembly
AdrienHache solved ROT13 in Assembly
AdrienHache solved QR Decoder in C#
lyphyser solved ROT13 in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Musical Chords in C#
AdrienHache solved Lucky Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Levenshtein Distance in C#
AdrienHache solved Medal Tally in C#
AdrienHache solved Lucky Tickets in C#
AdrienHache solved Proximity Grid in C#
AdrienHache solved Billiards in C#
AdrienHache earned 2 achievements: ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐ŸŽˆ
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿ’ฏ Centenarian
AdrienHache earned ๐ŸŽˆ Neunundneunzig Luftballons
AdrienHache solved Arrows in C#
AdrienHache solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in C#
AdrienHache solved Intersection in C#
AdrienHache solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in C#
CatsAreFluffy solved Card Number Validation in Assembly
CatsAreFluffy solved Polyominoes in AWK
lyphyser solved Trinomial Triangle in Assembly
lyphyser solved Hexagonal Spiral in Assembly
lyphyser solved Placeholder in Assembly
lyphyser solved Fizz Buzz in Rockstar
lyphyser solved Fizz Buzz in Rockstar 2
AdrienHache solved Seven Segment in C#
lyphyser solved Billiards in Assembly
lyphyser earned ๐Ÿช„ Disappearing Act
lyphyser solved Fizz Buzz in V
AdrienHache solved Game of Life in C#
AdrienHache solved Reversi in C#
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿ“ Right On!
AdrienHache solved Tongue-twisters in C#
AdrienHache solved Zodiac Signs in C#
AdrienHache solved Number Spiral in C#
AdrienHache solved Smith Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Inventory Sequence in C#
AdrienHache solved Repeating Decimals in C#
AdrienHache solved Fibonacci in C
AdrienHache solved Vampire Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Fizz Buzz in Assembly
CatsAreFluffy solved Kaprekar Numbers in Assembly
CatsAreFluffy solved Kaprekar Numbers in Python
CatsAreFluffy solved Star Wars GPT in C
CatsAreFluffy solved Star Wars GPT in C++
CatsAreFluffy solved Star Wars GPT in Assembly
CatsAreFluffy solved Star Wars GPT in Python
AdrienHache solved Christmas Trees in Assembly
CatsAreFluffy solved Placeholder in Assembly