


101 / 108 Holes


55 / 58 Langs


60 / 75 Cheevos


neel11235813 earned 2 achievements: πŸ₯ͺ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
neel11235813 earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
neel11235813 earned πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Independence Day
neel11235813 earned 🍱 Omniglutton
neel11235813 solved Quine in Rockstar
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in Ruby
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in brainfuck
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
neel11235813 solved Rule 110 in C
neel11235813 solved Sudoku v2 in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Sudoku v2 in Python
neel11235813 solved Arrows in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Arrows in Python
neel11235813 solved ISBN in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Musical Chords in D
neel11235813 earned 🎺 Sounds Quite Nice
voytxt followed neel11235813
neel11235813 solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in JavaScript
neel11235813 solved Abundant Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Emojify in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Ten-pin Bowling in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Ten-pin Bowling in Python
neel11235813 solved CSS Colors in Coconut
neel11235813 solved CSS Colors in Python
neel11235813 solved Abundant Numbers in Python
neel11235813 solved Musical Chords in C#
neel11235813 solved Musical Chords in C
neel11235813 solved DFA Simulator in Coconut
neel11235813 solved DFA Simulator in Python
neel11235813 solved QR Decoder in Coconut
neel11235813 solved QR Decoder in Python
neel11235813 solved Rule 110 in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Morse Decoder in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Poker in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Poker in Python
neel11235813 solved brainfuck in Coconut
neel11235813 solved brainfuck in Python
neel11235813 solved Kolakoski Constant in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Kolakoski Sequence in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Vampire Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Vampire Numbers in Python
neel11235813 solved Day of Week in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Fizz Buzz in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Day of Week in Python
neel11235813 solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Smith Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Smith Numbers in Python
neel11235813 solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Python
neel11235813 solved Catalan’s Constant in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Game of Life in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Jacobi Symbol in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Number Spiral in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Number Spiral in Python
neel11235813 solved Ordinal Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Fractions in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Pascal’s Triangle in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Inventory Sequence in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Arithmetic Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Diamonds in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Leyland Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Morse Encoder in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Maze in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Pernicious Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Tongue-twisters in C++
neel11235813 solved brainfuck in C
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Rust
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Ruby
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Raku
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Python
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Perl
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Lua
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in K
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in JavaScript
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Java
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Haskell
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in GolfScript
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Go
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Elixir
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in C
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in C++
neel11235813 solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in V
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in Swift
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in Ruby
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in PowerShell
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in Perl
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in PHP
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in Lua
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in JavaScript
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in Java
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in Go
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in F#
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in ><>
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in C#
neel11235813 solved Fibonacci in C
neel11235813 solved Fizz Buzz in JavaScript
neel11235813 solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Go