Kacarott πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί




103 / 108 Holes


14 / 58 Langs


49 / 75 Cheevos


Kacarott solved Repeating Decimals in Factor
error256 solved Repeating Decimals in Factor
error256 solved Hexdump in Factor
error256 solved Rijndael S-box in Factor
error256 solved 𝑒 in Factor
error256 solved √2 in Factor
error256 solved Ο† in Factor
error256 solved Ο„ in Factor
error256 solved Ο€ in Factor
error256 solved Van Eck Sequence in Factor
error256 solved Smith Numbers in Factor
error256 solved RecamΓ‘n in Factor
error256 solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Factor
error256 solved Pernicious Numbers in Factor
error256 solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Factor
error256 solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Factor
error256 solved Lucky Numbers in Factor
error256 solved ln 2 in Factor
error256 solved Leyland Numbers in Factor
error256 solved Leap Years in Factor
error256 solved Kolakoski Constant in Factor
error256 solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Factor
error256 solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Factor
error256 solved Fizz Buzz in Factor
error256 solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Factor
error256 solved Divisors in Factor
error256 solved Collatz in Factor
error256 solved Christmas Trees in Factor
error256 solved Catalan Numbers in Factor
error256 solved Pangram Grep in Factor
error256 solved ASCII Table in Factor
error256 solved Arithmetic Numbers in Factor
error256 solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Factor
Kacarott solved Rule 110 in Factor
Kacarott solved 𝑒 in Factor
Kacarott solved √2 in Factor
Kacarott solved Rijndael S-box in Factor
Kacarott solved ln 2 in Factor
Kacarott solved Kolakoski Constant in Factor
Kacarott solved Cubes in Factor
Kacarott solved Catalan’s Constant in Factor
Kacarott solved ASCII Table in Factor
Kacarott solved Polyominoes in Factor
Kacarott solved Ο† in Factor
Kacarott solved Ο€ in Factor
Kacarott solved Ο„ in Factor
Kacarott solved Ξ» in Factor
Kacarott solved Van Eck Sequence in Factor
Kacarott solved Vampire Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Factor
Kacarott solved Spelling Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Smith Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Factor
Kacarott solved RecamΓ‘n in Factor
Kacarott solved Proximity Grid in Factor
Kacarott solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Factor
Kacarott solved Pernicious Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Pangram Grep in Factor
Kacarott solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Factor
Kacarott solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Factor
Kacarott solved Mahjong in Factor
Kacarott solved Lucky Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Leyland Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Leap Years in Factor
Kacarott solved ISBN in Factor
Kacarott solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Factor
Kacarott solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Factor
Kacarott solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Factor
Kacarott solved Fizz Buzz in Factor
Kacarott solved Farey Sequence in Factor
Kacarott solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Factor
Kacarott solved Diamonds in Factor
Kacarott solved Collatz in Factor
Kacarott solved Catalan Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Arithmetic Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Factor
Kacarott solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Factor
Kacarott solved 24 Game in Factor
Kacarott solved Tongue-twisters in Factor
Kacarott solved Number Spiral in Factor
Kacarott solved CSS Colors in Factor
Kacarott solved Divisors in Factor
Kacarott solved 12 Days of Christmas in Factor
gifti258 earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
Kacarott solved Medal Tally in Factor
error256 solved PalindromemordnilaP in Civet
Kacarott solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
Kacarott solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
Kacarott solved Reverse Polish Notation in Coconut
Kacarott solved Pernicious Numbers in Python
Kacarott solved Pernicious Numbers in Coconut
Kacarott solved Look and Say in Coconut
Kacarott solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Coconut
Kacarott solved Fizz Buzz in Coconut
Kacarott solved Evil Numbers in Coconut
Kacarott solved Collatz in Coconut
Kacarott solved Arithmetic Numbers in Coconut
Kacarott solved Divisors in Coconut
Kacarott solved Pangram Grep in Coconut
Kacarott solved Pangram Grep in Python