lynn (she/her)


106 / 106 Holes


47 / 55 Langs


56 / 70 Cheevos



lynn solved Transpose Sentence in Ruby
saito-ta solved Emirp Numbers in Bash
canissimia solved Transpose Sentence in sed
orthoplex solved Transpose Sentence in Python
canissimia solved Transpose Sentence in brainfuck
lynn solved Transpose Sentence in Python
lynn solved Transpose Sentence in GolfScript
orthoplex solved Fibonacci in Haskell
lynn solved Transpose Sentence in Haskell
saito-ta solved Transpose Sentence in C
saito-ta solved Transpose Sentence in sed
orthoplex solved Transpose Sentence in GolfScript
saito-ta solved Transpose Sentence in Bash
saito-ta solved Transpose Sentence in GolfScript
saito-ta solved Transpose Sentence in Perl
saito-ta solved ASCII Table in Bash
saito-ta solved Inventory Sequence in Bash
saito-ta solved Inventory Sequence in C
canissimia solved Zeckendorf Representation in brainfuck
orthoplex solved Rule 110 in Python
orthoplex solved Niven Numbers in J
orthoplex solved Leyland Numbers in J
orthoplex solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in J
orthoplex solved Pernicious Numbers in J
orthoplex solved Happy Numbers in J
orthoplex solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C
orthoplex solved Prime Numbers in C
saito-ta solved ASCII Table in GolfScript
saito-ta solved CSS Colors in sed
saito-ta solved CSS Colors in Bash
saito-ta solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Bash
saito-ta solved Vampire Numbers in Bash
lynn solved λ in Rust
saito-ta solved Fizz Buzz in Perl
saito-ta solved Reversi in Perl
lynn solved Medal Tally in Rust
saito-ta earned ☣️ Biohazard
canissimia earned ☣️ Biohazard
orthoplex earned ☣️ Biohazard
acotis solved Medal Tally in Rust
acotis solved Fizz Buzz in Rust
saito-ta solved Zeckendorf Representation in sed
saito-ta solved Diamonds in Perl
acotis solved Collatz in Rust
saito-ta solved 24 Game in Bash
saito-ta solved 24 Game in C
acotis solved Seven Segment in Rust
lynn solved Pascal’s Triangle in Rust
lynn solved Number Spiral in Rust
lynn solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Rust
lynn solved Kolakoski Sequence in Rust
lynn solved Happy Numbers in Rust
lynn solved Emirp Numbers in Rust
acotis earned 4 achievements: 🏌️ 👁️ 🦥 📕
acotis earned 🏌️ Fore!
acotis earned 👁️ Big Brother
acotis earned 🦥 Slowcoach
acotis earned 📕 RTFM
lynn solved Arabic to Roman in R
lynn solved Mahjong in Python
lynn solved Factorial Factorisation in K
lynn solved Rijndael S-box in Assembly
lynn solved ASCII Table in Rust
lynn solved Fibonacci in Rust
acotis solved Fibonacci in Rust
lynn solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Rust
acotis solved Niven Numbers in Rust
acotis followed lynn
acotis earned 2 achievements: 💼 👋
acotis earned 💼 Interview Ready
acotis earned 👋 Hello, World!
lynn solved Fibonacci in K
lynn solved Arabic to Roman in Rust
lynn solved Leyland Numbers in Rust
lynn solved Reverse Polish Notation in Rust
lynn solved Collatz in Rust
lynn solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Rust
canissimia earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
lynn earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
orthoplex earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
saito-ta earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
stefangimmillaro earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
xnor-gate earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
lynn solved γ in Python
orthoplex solved Emirp Numbers in Bash
orthoplex solved Fibonacci in Bash
orthoplex solved Ascending Primes in GolfScript
lynn solved Ascending Primes in Python
lynn solved Ascending Primes in Haskell
saito-ta solved N Queens in Bash
saito-ta solved Zeckendorf Representation in C
lynn solved Zeckendorf Representation in OCaml
lynn solved Zeckendorf Representation in Haskell
saito-ta solved Zeckendorf Representation in Perl
saito-ta solved Zeckendorf Representation in Bash
saito-ta solved Zeckendorf Representation in GolfScript
lynn solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
saito-ta earned 💯 Centenarian
orthoplex solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
lynn solved Fibonacci in Rockstar
orthoplex solved Recamán in Python
lynn solved Reversi in Haskell