Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Look and Say DialFrost 48
Look and Say pardouin 43
Look and Say Mabeloid 1,283
Look and Say sean-niemann 🥇 37
Look and Say jipsong 52
Look and Say HumanoidCPU 1,283
Look and Say BREMAUCY 81
Look and Say fuzzylojik-golf 43
Look and Say Shanethegamer 44
Look and Say ndren 94
Look and Say ovs-code 44
Look and Say MeWhenI 48
Look and Say neel11235813 39
Look and Say Steffan153 🥇 37
Look and Say scpchicken 41
Look and Say KatieLG-Transpiler 1,285
Look and Say retrohun 1,283
Look and Say saito-ta 🥇 37
Look and Say KatieLG 1,283
Look and Say DaCuteRaccoon 60
Look and Say mokymok 1,302
Look and Say xiBread 103
Look and Say HPWiz 🥇 37
Look and Say theunofficialcoder 1,283
Look and Say JRaspass 45
Look and Say JayXon 🥇 37
Look and Say Natanaelel 47
Look and Say perlebach 45
Look and Say Marin-Kitagawa 70
Look and Say NewDefectus 44
Look and Say Lydxn 🥇 37
Look and Say kurkale6ka 39
Look and Say GrayJoKing 🥇 37
Look and Say lynn 🥇 37
Look and Say teebee 🥇 37
Look and Say janbehrens 49
Look and Say yzhs 60
Look and Say o0lit3 🥇 37
Look and Say nwellnhof 🥇 37
Look and Say sisyphus-ppcg 🥇 37
Look and Say nephila-nacrea 89
Look and Say primo-ppcg 🥇 37