

50 / 113 Holes


44 / 61 Langs


30 / 78 Cheevos


kurkale6ka earned 4 achievements: 🥪 🔦 🍱 ☣️
kurkale6ka earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
kurkale6ka earned 🔦 Double-slit Experiment
kurkale6ka earned 🍱 Omniglutton
kurkale6ka earned ☣️ Biohazard
kurkale6ka solved 24 Game in Scheme
kurkale6ka solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Python
kurkale6ka solved Trinomial Triangle in Julia
kurkale6ka solved Leyland Numbers in Julia
kurkale6ka solved Tutorial in Tcl
kurkale6ka solved Look and Say in Tcl
kurkale6ka solved Sierpiński Triangle in Civet
kurkale6ka solved Sierpiński Triangle in Scheme
kurkale6ka solved Kolakoski Sequence in Coconut
kurkale6ka solved Lucky Numbers in Python
kurkale6ka solved Card Number Validation in Python
kurkale6ka solved Sierpiński Triangle in K
kurkale6ka solved Ascending Primes in V
kurkale6ka solved Ascending Primes in VimL
kurkale6ka solved Prime Numbers in Rust
kurkale6ka solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Rust
kurkale6ka solved Van Eck Sequence in C
kurkale6ka solved Fibonacci in C
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in OCaml
theunofficialcoder solved Happy Numbers in Java
theunofficialcoder solved 𝑒 in Coconut
theunofficialcoder solved Rijndael S-box in Wren
theunofficialcoder solved Rijndael S-box in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved Prime Numbers in C++
theunofficialcoder solved γ in Berry
theunofficialcoder solved γ in BASIC
theunofficialcoder solved γ in Wren
theunofficialcoder solved γ in F#
theunofficialcoder solved γ in Tcl
theunofficialcoder solved γ in SQL
theunofficialcoder solved γ in Swift
theunofficialcoder solved γ in Pascal
theunofficialcoder solved γ in R
theunofficialcoder solved Kolakoski Sequence in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Inventory Sequence in Clojure
theunofficialcoder earned 3 achievements: 🎯 💍 🏥
theunofficialcoder earned 🎯 Bullseye
theunofficialcoder earned 💍 Jeweler
theunofficialcoder earned 🏥 Emergency Room
theunofficialcoder solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved Diamonds in Ruby
theunofficialcoder solved Diamonds in Crystal
theunofficialcoder solved 𝑒 in R
theunofficialcoder solved Kolakoski Constant in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved π in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved τ in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved Arithmetic Numbers in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved Number Spiral in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in GolfScript
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in Tcl
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in Wren
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in Factor
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in Elixir
theunofficialcoder solved Rijndael S-box in V
theunofficialcoder solved Quine in Julia
theunofficialcoder solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved φ in Zig
theunofficialcoder solved φ in Factor
theunofficialcoder solved Catalan’s Constant in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Cubes in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Cubes in Elixir
theunofficialcoder solved λ in Elixir
theunofficialcoder solved √2 in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in Prolog
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in R
theunofficialcoder solved Ascending Primes in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Van Eck Sequence in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Assembly
theunofficialcoder solved Look and Say in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved φ in TeX
theunofficialcoder solved φ in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved ln 2 in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved Catalan’s Constant in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved γ in Forth
theunofficialcoder solved γ in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved γ in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Odious Numbers (Long) in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved Lucky Numbers in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Rule 110 in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Happy Numbers in Python
theunofficialcoder solved ln 2 in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Rijndael S-box in K
theunofficialcoder solved Rijndael S-box in GolfScript
theunofficialcoder solved Rijndael S-box in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Wren
theunofficialcoder solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved Catalan’s Constant in VimL
theunofficialcoder solved Catalan’s Constant in TeX
theunofficialcoder solved Leyland Numbers in Clojure
theunofficialcoder earned 🧪 Black-box Testing
theunofficialcoder solved Sierpiński Triangle in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved Catalan’s Constant in Pascal
theunofficialcoder solved Recamán in Clojure
theunofficialcoder solved γ in D
theunofficialcoder earned 👍 DON’T PANIC!