nephila-nacrea πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§



80 / 109 Holes


6 / 58 Langs


33 / 75 Cheevos


nephila-nacrea solved Card Number Validation in Perl
nephila-nacrea earned 2 achievements: πŸŽ‚ 🚒
nephila-nacrea earned πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday, Code Golf
nephila-nacrea earned 🚒 Phileas Fogg
nephila-nacrea solved PalindromemordnilaP in Perl
JRaspass earned πŸ—‘οΈ rm -rf
JRaspass solved Quine in jq
JRaspass solved Quine in Elixir
JRaspass solved Quine in Rust
JRaspass solved Quine in Ruby
JRaspass solved Quine in ><>
nephila-nacrea solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Perl
JRaspass solved Ascending Primes in Raku
JRaspass solved Transpose Sentence in Perl
nephila-nacrea solved Transpose Sentence in Perl
JRaspass earned ☣️ Biohazard
JRaspass earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
nephila-nacrea earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
JRaspass solved Zeckendorf Representation in Perl
JRaspass solved Fizz Buzz in Swift
JRaspass earned ⭐ My God, It’s Full of Stars
JRaspass solved Ξ³ in Go
JRaspass solved Van Eck Sequence in Go
JRaspass solved Vampire Numbers in Go
JRaspass solved Seven Segment in Go
JRaspass solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Go
JRaspass solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Go
JRaspass solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Go
JRaspass solved Odious Numbers in Go
JRaspass solved Number Spiral in Go
JRaspass solved Lucky Numbers in Go
JRaspass solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Go
JRaspass solved Evil Numbers in Go
JRaspass solved Catalan Numbers in Go
JRaspass solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Go
JRaspass solved Abundant Numbers in Go
nephila-nacrea solved Farey Sequence in Perl
JRaspass solved Arabic to Roman in Perl
JRaspass solved Arabic to Roman in Go
JRaspass solved Arabic to Roman in Raku
JRaspass solved Farey Sequence in Raku
JRaspass solved Christmas Trees in Raku
JRaspass solved Repeating Decimals in Perl
nephila-nacrea solved Divisors in Perl
nephila-nacrea solved Arithmetic Numbers in Perl
JRaspass solved Arithmetic Numbers in Perl
JRaspass solved Rijndael S-box in Perl
JRaspass solved Intersection in Go
JRaspass solved Ο† in Perl
JRaspass solved ln 2 in Perl
JRaspass solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Perl
nephila-nacrea solved Zodiac Signs in Perl
JRaspass solved Zodiac Signs in Perl
JRaspass solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in PHP
JRaspass solved Fizz Buzz in PHP
JRaspass solved Medal Tally in Perl
JRaspass earned πŸ“ Right On!
JRaspass solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Perl
nephila-nacrea solved Tongue-twisters in JavaScript
JRaspass earned 🏌️ Fore!
nephila-nacrea earned 🏌️ Fore!
JRaspass solved Day of Week in SQL
JRaspass solved Day of Week in Perl
JRaspass solved Day of Week in Raku
nephila-nacrea solved Fizz Buzz in JavaScript
JRaspass solved Tongue-twisters in Raku
nephila-nacrea solved Maze in Perl
JRaspass solved Repeating Decimals in Raku
JRaspass solved 𝑒 in Perl
JRaspass solved √2 in Perl
JRaspass solved Ο„ in Perl
JRaspass solved Ο€ in Perl
JRaspass solved Ξ³ in Julia
JRaspass solved Ξ³ in Raku
JRaspass solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Raku
JRaspass solved Game of Life in Perl
nephila-nacrea solved Game of Life in Perl
JRaspass solved Repeating Decimals in Go
JRaspass solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Go
JRaspass earned πŸ–₯️ x86
JRaspass solved brainfuck in Raku
JRaspass solved Tongue-twisters in Bash
JRaspass solved 12 Days of Christmas in Ruby
JRaspass solved 12 Days of Christmas in Crystal
JRaspass solved ISBN in Perl
JRaspass earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
nephila-nacrea earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
JRaspass solved Maze in Go
JRaspass solved Intersection in Raku
JRaspass solved Intersection in Perl
JRaspass solved Game of Life in Raku
JRaspass solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Perl
JRaspass solved Emirp Numbers in Perl
JRaspass solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Perl
JRaspass solved Prime Numbers in Perl
JRaspass solved Cubes in Perl
JRaspass solved Rule 110 in Perl
JRaspass solved 12 Days of Christmas in Bash
JRaspass solved Sudoku in Perl
JRaspass solved Sudoku v2 in Perl
nephila-nacrea solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Perl