Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Look and Say CaedenHarper 1,287
Look and Say Mabeloid 1,287
Look and Say alemelis 105
Look and Say JayXon 71
Look and Say HumanoidCPU 1,287
Look and Say ovs-code 71
Look and Say Yewzir 127
Look and Say dokutan 133
Look and Say msbranicky 176
Look and Say DialFrost 71
Look and Say MarcMush 83
Look and Say Lydxn 💎 69
Look and Say Shanethegamer 75
Look and Say janbehrens 117
Look and Say HPWiz 🥈 70
Look and Say MeWhenI 103
Look and Say retrohun 1,287
Look and Say antimon2 🥈 70
Look and Say Codsilla 158
Look and Say KatieLG-Transpiler 1,353
Look and Say mokymok 1,306
Look and Say theunofficialcoder 1,287
Look and Say lynn 72
Look and Say JRaspass 1,290
Look and Say jhfranklin 112
Look and Say garrisonhh 124
Look and Say KatieLG 1,306