


49 / 111 Holes


50 / 60 Langs


35 / 77 Cheevos


MeWhenI solved Prime Numbers in Rockstar 2
JayXon solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Coconut
JayXon solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Python
MeWhenI solved Arabic to Roman in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Lucky Tickets in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Lucky Tickets in Swift
MeWhenI solved Maze in Rockstar 2
primo-ppcg earned ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ rm -rf
MeWhenI solved Reverse Polish Notation in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Vampire Numbers in Rockstar 2
JayXon solved 12 Days of Christmas in C++
JayXon solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
MeWhenI solved Polyominoes in Java
MeWhenI solved Polyominoes in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Intersection in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Number Spiral in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Ten-pin Bowling in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Placeholder in Hexagony
MeWhenI solved Roman to Arabic in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Billiards in Hexagony
MeWhenI solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Rockstar 2
JayXon solved Card Number Validation in Civet
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Day of Week in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Diamonds in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ฯ† in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ฯ„ in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ฯ€ in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Emirp Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Card Number Validation in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved CSS Colors in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Inventory Sequence in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ฮป in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ฮณ in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Rule 110 in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Rijndael S-box in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved N Queens in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Look and Say in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ln 2 in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Leyland Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Kolakoski Constant in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Kaprekar Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Catalan Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ASCII Table in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Smith Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Lucky Numbers in Ruby
MeWhenI solved Lucky Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Ascending Primes in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Kolakoski Sequence in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Quine in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Cubes in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Arithmetic Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Fizz Buzz in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Spelling Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Tongue-twisters in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Ordinal Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ๐‘’ in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved SI Units in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Zeckendorf Representation in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Van Eck Sequence in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Odious Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Evil Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Pernicious Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Happy Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Recamรกn in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Arrows in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Fibonacci in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Farey Sequence in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved 12 Days of Christmas in Rockstar 2
JayXon solved Abundant Numbers in PowerShell
JayXon solved Fibonacci in PowerShell
MeWhenI solved Pangram Grep in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved PalindromemordnilaP in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ISBN in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Fractions in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Java
MeWhenI solved Niven Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Christmas Trees in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved โˆš2 in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Collatz in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Abundant Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Divisors in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Rockstar