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Rankings: Holes

All holes in JavaScript in bytes.

# Golfer Holes Points Bytes Time
1st sean-niemann 🇺🇸 114 107,343 13,098
2nd JayXon 🇺🇸 108 106,696 10,808
3rd emplv 🇱🇻 111 106,035 12,214
4th rucin93 🇵🇱 114 104,934 13,550
5th vlpx 🇫🇮 104 98,975 11,691
6th dmrichwa 🇺🇸 113 97,477 14,048
7th tayloia 🇬🇧 114 93,849 14,835
8th nwellnhof 🇩🇪 96 92,639 8,339
9th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 113 90,189 20,293
10th Irratix 🇳🇱 99 89,581 11,646
11th helbling 🇨🇭 111 87,303 16,139
12th Steffan153 🇫🇮 89 85,262 8,976
13th jared-hughes 101 84,938 12,481
14th ovs-code 🇩🇪 86 81,053 7,841
15th emgordon154 104 80,881 15,266
16th voytxt 🇨🇿 109 79,607 23,818
17th janbehrens 🇩🇪 100 77,439 14,673
18th Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 103 77,166 54,034
19th Argeento 🇵🇱 84 74,774 10,458
20th lukegustafson 🇺🇸 81 74,543 12,974
21st didion0 🇺🇸 104 74,122 17,633
22nd primo-ppcg 🇹🇭 76 72,826 7,978
23rd two-bad 🇬🇧 106 71,930 26,414
24th stefangimmillaro 84 71,646 8,285
25th coreynash 103 71,231 21,895
26th DialFrost 🇸🇬 82 70,847 8,997
27th itsh01 84 69,065 10,794
28th Lydxn 🇨🇦 69 68,165 5,653
29th thisishowmymindworks 🇳🇴 91 67,350 15,252
30th KrausRaus 🇺🇸 91 65,679 16,309
31st BambooleanLogic 🇸🇪 94 64,843 15,449
32nd targrik 86 64,431 12,868
33rd KatieLG 🇬🇧 108 61,857 78,040
34th prplz 🇦🇺 68 60,411 8,394
35th zakariamouhid 114 59,753 32,293
36th uttumuttu 🇫🇮 80 59,524 12,939
37th madeforlosers 103 58,363 34,473
38th NewDefectus 🇮🇱 65 57,879 6,464
39th weliveinhell 🇭🇹 80 57,606 12,231
40th trinityy-7 77 55,175 19,909
41st eranws 81 52,434 13,644
42nd LukeBridges 🇬🇧 77 52,367 14,566
43rd Natanaelel 🇸🇪 66 50,838 8,822
44th inventshah 57 50,324 5,035
45th Maznek 62 47,781 7,305
46th GrayJoKing 🇦🇺 50 47,362 3,357
47th Salutations45 63 46,733 9,579
48th tomtheisen 🇺🇸 51 44,969 6,832
49th GeorgeStechman 🇬🇧 72 44,088 22,920
50th xyangst 69 43,791 25,053
51st olleicua 🇺🇸 64 43,399 16,003
52nd dokutan 90 42,388 43,673
53rd ShiraJoseph 🇺🇸 67 41,139 13,251
54th duckyluuk 🇳🇱 46 40,533 3,768
55th Yewzir 56 39,135 11,271
56th neihousaigaai 53 38,826 10,630
57th pardouin 🇫🇷 40 38,546 2,332
58th dylanarmstrong 48 37,228 6,087
59th BBoehm 🇩🇪 52 36,914 10,146
60th unfinishedprogram 60 35,946 18,013
61st AlephSquirrel 42 35,715 2,845
62nd PatrickStephansen 🇿🇦 45 35,242 7,011
63rd HumanoidCPU 82 34,967 54,956
64th junkondo-jp 49 34,856 6,114
65th ArmaanAS 59 34,580 15,152
66th akshatj27 🇦🇶 45 33,273 14,341
67th elisherer 🇮🇱 61 33,259 19,806
68th alexsave 51 33,018 10,692
69th sisyphus-ppcg 🇦🇺 33 31,829 2,513
70th Andrey-Plotnikov 42 31,750 4,268
71st jbt 38 31,521 3,251
72nd raphaelimahorn 44 31,292 6,241
73rd nathanadams 🇳🇿 37 31,092 5,669
74th cywong-amino 🇭🇰 39 30,720 5,687
75th adamnielson42 🇺🇸 64 30,631 15,621