SniperSmiley ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ



81 / 112 Holes


37 / 61 Langs


37 / 77 Cheevos


GolfingSuccess solved Leyland Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Levenshtein Distance in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Quine in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Transpose Sentence in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved PalindromemordnilaP in Gleam
lynn solved ASCII Table in Haskell
GolfingSuccess solved Collatz in Coconut
GolfingSuccess solved Ordinal Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved 12 Days of Christmas in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Niven Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Factorial Factorisation in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Arithmetic Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Divisors in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Van Eck Sequence in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Lucky Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Kolakoski Sequence in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Pangram Grep in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Java
GolfingSuccess solved Seven Segment in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Fractions in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Day of Week in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Zeckendorf Representation in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Leap Years in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Farey Sequence in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Abundant Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Arithmetic Numbers in Factor
GolfingSuccess solved Arithmetic Numbers in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Scrambled Alphabetization in Coconut
GolfingSuccess solved Happy Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Collatz in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Inventory Sequence in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Catalan Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Levenshtein Distance in GolfScript
MeWhenI solved Levenshtein Distance in VimL
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Cubes in Gleam
MeWhenI solved ISBN in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Polyominoes in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Day of Week in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved CSS Colors in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Ascending Primes in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Leyland Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved DFA Simulator in Rockstar 2
saito-ta solved ROT13 in C
MeWhenI solved brainfuck in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Fizz Buzz in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Rijndael S-box in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Rule 110 in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Kaprekar Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved N Queens in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Vampire Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Farey Sequence in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Emirp Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Pernicious Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ๐‘’ in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved โˆš2 in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ฯ† in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ฯ„ in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ฯ€ in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ฮป in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ฮณ in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ln 2 in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Kolakoski Constant in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Prime Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Fractions in Coconut
GolfingSuccess solved Placeholder in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved ASCII Table in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Ascending Primes in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Evil Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Odious Numbers in Gleam
GolfingSuccess solved Fibonacci in Gleam
lynn solved Catalan Numbers in Rust
MeWhenI solved Pernicious Numbers in Gleam
MeWhenI solved Fizz Buzz in Gleam
MeWhenI solved Fibonacci in Gleam
MeWhenI solved ฮป in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ฮณ in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved ln 2 in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Kolakoski Constant in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Rockstar 2
saito-ta solved ROT13 in GolfScript
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Seven Segment in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Christmas Trees in Rockstar 2
GolfingSuccess solved Factorial Factorisation in Rockstar 2
saito-ta solved ROT13 in sed