PeterTillema πŸ‡³πŸ‡±



22 / 102 Holes


2 / 55 Langs


19 / 67 Cheevos


Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Python
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Lua
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Nim
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Crystal
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Ruby
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in V
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Dart
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Swift
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Go
kg583 solved DFA Simulator in Coconut
kg583 solved DFA Simulator in Python
JayXon solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Swift
kg583 solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
kg583 solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in C#
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Java
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in Rust
JayXon solved Niven Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
JayXon solved Emojify in PowerShell
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in PHP
Lydxn solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PHP
JayXon solved Factorial Factorisation in JavaScript
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in Ruby
JayXon solved Sudoku in Rust
JayXon solved Rijndael S-box in Rust
JayXon solved Repeating Decimals in Rust
JayXon solved Medal Tally in Rust
commandblockguy solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
commandblockguy solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
JayXon earned 🎈 Neunundneunzig Luftballons
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in brainfuck
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
JayXon solved Poker in D
JayXon solved Poker in Dart
JayXon solved Poker in Java
JayXon solved Poker in C#
JayXon solved Poker in Go
Lydxn solved Levenshtein Distance in Coconut
Lydxn solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Crystal
JayXon solved Poker in Rust
JayXon solved Poker in Crystal
commandblockguy solved Fizz Buzz in Python
JayXon solved Poker in Julia
neel11235813 solved Rule 110 in C
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Coconut
JayXon solved Ascending Primes in Rust
neel11235813 solved Sudoku v2 in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Sudoku v2 in Python
neel11235813 solved Arrows in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Arrows in Python
JayXon solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Swift
JayXon solved Number Spiral in Swift
JayXon solved Sudoku in Crystal
JayXon solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Crystal
JayXon solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Crystal
JayXon solved Cubes in Crystal
JayXon solved ASCII Table in Crystal
JayXon solved Sudoku v2 in Ruby
neel11235813 solved ISBN in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Musical Chords in D
neel11235813 earned 🎺 Sounds Quite Nice
JayXon solved Poker in JavaScript
neel11235813 solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in JavaScript
neel11235813 solved Abundant Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Emojify in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Ten-pin Bowling in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Ten-pin Bowling in Python
neel11235813 solved CSS Colors in Coconut
neel11235813 solved CSS Colors in Python
neel11235813 solved Abundant Numbers in Python
neel11235813 solved Musical Chords in C#
neel11235813 solved Musical Chords in C
neel11235813 solved DFA Simulator in Coconut
neel11235813 solved DFA Simulator in Python
neel11235813 solved QR Decoder in Coconut
neel11235813 solved QR Decoder in Python
neel11235813 solved Rule 110 in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Morse Decoder in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Poker in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Poker in Python
JayXon solved Poker in Coconut
neel11235813 solved brainfuck in Coconut
neel11235813 solved brainfuck in Python
JayXon solved Poker in Python
JayXon solved Poker in Ruby
neel11235813 solved Kolakoski Constant in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Kolakoski Sequence in Coconut
kg583 solved Poker in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Vampire Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Vampire Numbers in Python
kg583 solved Vampire Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Day of Week in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Fizz Buzz in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Day of Week in Python
neel11235813 solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Smith Numbers in Coconut
neel11235813 solved Smith Numbers in Python