# Hole Solutions Golfers Per Golfer
1st Fizz Buzz 24,354 6,184 3.94
2nd Fibonacci 16,606 3,509 4.73
3rd Quine 9,948 1,378 7.22
4th Divisors 9,666 2,616 3.69
5th Prime Numbers 9,315 2,189 4.26
6th Evil Numbers 8,681 2,206 3.94
7th Leap Years 8,323 1,947 4.27
8th Abundant Numbers 7,396 1,859 3.98
9th Odious Numbers 6,986 1,597 4.37
10th Niven Numbers 6,948 1,536 4.52
11th π 6,901 1,041 6.63
12th 12 Days of Christmas 6,791 2,056 3.30
13th 99 Bottles of Beer 6,714 2,196 3.06
14th Foo Fizz Buzz Bar 5,711 1,403 4.07
15th 𝑒 5,689 684 8.32
16th Collatz 5,591 1,157 4.83
17th Pernicious Numbers 5,575 1,042 5.35
18th Emirp Numbers 5,353 1,309 4.09
19th Happy Numbers 5,339 1,172 4.56
20th Christmas Trees 5,241 1,430 3.67
21st Pascal’s Triangle 5,046 1,151 4.38
22nd √2 4,881 746 6.54
23rd Prime Numbers (Long) 4,844 866 5.59
24th Evil Numbers (Long) 4,450 848 5.25
25th Pangram Grep 4,428 973 4.55
26th Abundant Numbers (Long) 4,217 817 5.16
27th φ 4,152 554 7.49
28th Diamonds 4,059 956 4.25
29th Odious Numbers (Long) 4,010 675 5.94
30th Niven Numbers (Long) 3,996 688 5.81
31st λ 3,839 396 9.69
32nd τ 3,826 512 7.47
33rd Tongue-twisters 3,808 774 4.92
34th ASCII Table 3,656 770 4.75
35th Sierpiński Triangle 3,519 657 5.36
36th Ordinal Numbers 3,330 819 4.07
37th Happy Numbers (Long) 3,312 559 5.92
38th Recamán 3,303 612 5.40
39th Look and Say 3,286 652 5.04
40th Fractions 3,235 848 3.81
41st Kolakoski Sequence 3,117 459 6.79
42nd Catalan Numbers 3,116 547 5.70
43rd Arabic to Roman 3,040 825 3.68
44th Leyland Numbers 3,022 577 5.24
45th Arithmetic Numbers 2,983 586 5.09
46th Van Eck Sequence 2,894 486 5.95
47th Pernicious Numbers (Long) 2,866 412 6.96
48th Kolakoski Constant 2,865 270 10.61
49th Number Spiral 2,827 435 6.50
50th Catalan’s Constant 2,787 315 8.85
51st Cubes 2,768 613 4.52
52nd ln 2 2,704 292 9.26
53rd Rule 110 2,649 500 5.30
54th γ 2,648 207 12.79
55th Emirp Numbers (Long) 2,638 467 5.65
56th ISBN 2,625 586 4.48
57th Seven Segment 2,590 727 3.56
58th brainfuck 2,432 697 3.49
59th Smith Numbers 2,428 369 6.58
60th Roman to Arabic 2,422 571 4.24
61st Vampire Numbers 2,413 420 5.75
62nd United States 2,386 652 3.66
63rd Lucky Numbers 2,381 362 6.58
64th Inventory Sequence 2,380 320 7.44
65th Day of Week 2,326 515 4.52
66th Emojify 2,272 613 3.71
67th Intersection 2,228 556 4.01
68th Farey Sequence 2,197 285 7.71
69th CSS Colors 2,194 539 4.07
70th Arrows 2,107 560 3.76
71st Factorial Factorisation 2,098 256 8.20
72nd Ascending Primes 2,072 314 6.60
73rd Rijndael S-box 2,043 238 8.58
74th Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard 1,970 515 3.83
75th Reverse Polish Notation 1,953 428 4.56
76th Levenshtein Distance 1,934 352 5.49
77th Spelling Numbers 1,810 472 3.83
78th Morse Encoder 1,758 500 3.52
79th Gijswijt’s Sequence 1,746 202 8.64
80th Morse Decoder 1,533 426 3.60
81st Placeholder 1,486 95 15.64
82nd 24 Game 1,416 189 7.49
83rd N Queens 1,416 174 8.14
84th Forsyth–Edwards Notation 1,370 282 4.86
85th Hexdump 1,368 300 4.56
86th Game of Life 1,359 311 4.37
87th Lucky Tickets 1,351 223 6.06
88th Kaprekar Numbers 1,331 152 8.76
89th Transpose Sentence 1,255 253 4.96
90th Jacobi Symbol 1,228 215 5.71
91st Card Number Validation 1,191 263 4.53
92nd Time Distance 1,159 277 4.18
93rd Polyominoes 1,149 116 9.91
94th Zeckendorf Representation 1,119 180 6.22
95th PalindromemordnilaP 1,095 225 4.87
96th Zodiac Signs 1,039 193 5.38
97th ROT13 1,013 197 5.14
98th Star Wars Opening Crawl 1,002 227 4.41
99th Medal Tally 996 219 4.55
100th Sudoku 983 246 4.00
101st Musical Chords 973 144 6.76
102nd Proximity Grid 966 171 5.65
103rd Ten-pin Bowling 965 180 5.36
104th Poker 941 224 4.20
105th Maze 905 185 4.89
106th Repeating Decimals 874 201 4.35
107th Sudoku (Fill-in) 811 172 4.72
108th QR Decoder 784 148 5.30
109th DFA Simulator 751 162 4.64
110th Reversi 696 112 6.21
111th SI Units 676 122 5.54
112th Billiards 568 98 5.80
113th Mahjong 418 85 4.92
114th Partition Numbers 305 20 15.25
115th Apéry’s Constant 247 12 20.58
116th Highly Composite Numbers 172 4 43.00
117th Trinomial Triangle 149 15 9.93
118th Mandelbrot 116 4 29.00
119th Semiprime Numbers 110 6 18.33
120th Hexagonal Spiral 109 6 18.17
121st Gray Code Encoder 106 18 5.89
122nd Odd Polyomino Tiling 106 4 26.50
123rd Sphenic Numbers 104 5 20.80
124th Hilbert Curve 102 2 51.00
125th Scrambled Alphabetization 98 20 4.90
126th Gray Code Decoder 78 16 4.88
127th Tic-tac-toe 64 16 4.00
128th Star Wars GPT 47 14 3.36
129th Calendar 38 12 3.17
130th Set 34 10 3.40
131st Ellipse Perimeters 24 8 3.00
132nd Flags 8 3 2.67
133rd CSS Grid 6 2 3.00
134th p-adic Expansion 6 3 2.00
135th Minesweeper 4 2 2.00
136th Floyd-Steinberg Dithering 2 1 2.00
137th NFA Simulator 2 1 2.00
138th Turtle 2 1 2.00