# | Hole | Solutions | Golfers | Per Golfer |
1st | Fizz Buzz | 24,402 | 6,199 | 3.94 |
2nd | Fibonacci | 16,711 | 3,513 | 4.76 |
3rd | Quine | 9,975 | 1,378 | 7.24 |
4th | Divisors | 9,745 | 2,621 | 3.72 |
5th | Prime Numbers | 9,396 | 2,193 | 4.28 |
6th | Evil Numbers | 8,738 | 2,209 | 3.96 |
7th | Leap Years | 8,388 | 1,952 | 4.30 |
8th | Abundant Numbers | 7,453 | 1,859 | 4.01 |
9th | Odious Numbers | 7,039 | 1,598 | 4.40 |
10th | π | 7,018 | 1,043 | 6.73 |
11th | Niven Numbers | 7,013 | 1,538 | 4.56 |
12th | 12 Days of Christmas | 6,852 | 2,058 | 3.33 |
13th | 99 Bottles of Beer | 6,779 | 2,199 | 3.08 |
14th | 𝑒 | 5,812 | 689 | 8.44 |
15th | Foo Fizz Buzz Bar | 5,783 | 1,411 | 4.10 |
16th | Collatz | 5,654 | 1,157 | 4.89 |
17th | Pernicious Numbers | 5,630 | 1,042 | 5.40 |
18th | Emirp Numbers | 5,412 | 1,312 | 4.13 |
19th | Happy Numbers | 5,396 | 1,174 | 4.60 |
20th | Christmas Trees | 5,304 | 1,432 | 3.70 |
21st | Pascal’s Triangle | 5,103 | 1,151 | 4.43 |
22nd | √2 | 5,002 | 748 | 6.69 |
23rd | Prime Numbers (Long) | 4,919 | 868 | 5.67 |
24th | Evil Numbers (Long) | 4,501 | 849 | 5.30 |
25th | Pangram Grep | 4,440 | 974 | 4.56 |
26th | φ | 4,271 | 555 | 7.70 |
27th | Abundant Numbers (Long) | 4,270 | 817 | 5.23 |
28th | Diamonds | 4,120 | 957 | 4.31 |
29th | Odious Numbers (Long) | 4,063 | 675 | 6.02 |
30th | Niven Numbers (Long) | 4,055 | 689 | 5.89 |
31st | λ | 4,044 | 398 | 10.16 |
32nd | τ | 3,947 | 514 | 7.68 |
33rd | Tongue-twisters | 3,863 | 776 | 4.98 |
34th | ASCII Table | 3,719 | 774 | 4.80 |
35th | Sierpiński Triangle | 3,574 | 658 | 5.43 |
36th | Happy Numbers (Long) | 3,371 | 561 | 6.01 |
37th | Recamán | 3,362 | 615 | 5.47 |
38th | Look and Say | 3,345 | 654 | 5.11 |
39th | Ordinal Numbers | 3,332 | 819 | 4.07 |
40th | Fractions | 3,249 | 852 | 3.81 |
41st | Catalan Numbers | 3,227 | 547 | 5.90 |
42nd | Kolakoski Sequence | 3,172 | 459 | 6.91 |
43rd | Leyland Numbers | 3,079 | 578 | 5.33 |
44th | Arithmetic Numbers | 3,048 | 591 | 5.16 |
45th | Arabic to Roman | 3,046 | 826 | 3.69 |
46th | Kolakoski Constant | 2,986 | 272 | 10.98 |
47th | Van Eck Sequence | 2,955 | 489 | 6.04 |
48th | Pernicious Numbers (Long) | 2,923 | 413 | 7.08 |
49th | Catalan’s Constant | 2,910 | 319 | 9.12 |
50th | Number Spiral | 2,888 | 437 | 6.61 |
51st | ln 2 | 2,829 | 295 | 9.59 |
52nd | Cubes | 2,823 | 613 | 4.61 |
53rd | γ | 2,765 | 209 | 13.23 |
54th | Rule 110 | 2,720 | 503 | 5.41 |
55th | Emirp Numbers (Long) | 2,699 | 470 | 5.74 |
56th | ISBN | 2,631 | 587 | 4.48 |
57th | Seven Segment | 2,594 | 728 | 3.56 |
58th | Smith Numbers | 2,487 | 373 | 6.67 |
59th | Vampire Numbers | 2,468 | 420 | 5.88 |
60th | brainfuck | 2,446 | 699 | 3.50 |
61st | Inventory Sequence | 2,441 | 323 | 7.56 |
62nd | Lucky Numbers | 2,440 | 364 | 6.70 |
63rd | Roman to Arabic | 2,430 | 573 | 4.24 |
64th | United States | 2,388 | 652 | 3.66 |
65th | Day of Week | 2,330 | 517 | 4.51 |
66th | Emojify | 2,284 | 614 | 3.72 |
67th | Farey Sequence | 2,272 | 289 | 7.86 |
68th | Intersection | 2,232 | 558 | 4.00 |
69th | Factorial Factorisation | 2,221 | 259 | 8.58 |
70th | CSS Colors | 2,198 | 540 | 4.07 |
71st | Rijndael S-box | 2,176 | 239 | 9.10 |
72nd | Ascending Primes | 2,139 | 315 | 6.79 |
73rd | Arrows | 2,113 | 562 | 3.76 |
74th | Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard | 1,978 | 518 | 3.82 |
75th | Reverse Polish Notation | 1,963 | 428 | 4.59 |
76th | Levenshtein Distance | 1,938 | 352 | 5.51 |
77th | Spelling Numbers | 1,812 | 472 | 3.84 |
78th | Gijswijt’s Sequence | 1,805 | 204 | 8.85 |
79th | Morse Encoder | 1,760 | 501 | 3.51 |
80th | Tutorial | 1,643 | 106 | 15.50 |
81st | Morse Decoder | 1,547 | 428 | 3.61 |
82nd | N Queens | 1,479 | 176 | 8.40 |
83rd | 24 Game | 1,477 | 192 | 7.69 |
84th | Kaprekar Numbers | 1,392 | 154 | 9.04 |
85th | Forsyth–Edwards Notation | 1,386 | 285 | 4.86 |
86th | Hexdump | 1,384 | 303 | 4.57 |
87th | Game of Life | 1,365 | 312 | 4.38 |
88th | Lucky Tickets | 1,357 | 225 | 6.03 |
89th | Transpose Sentence | 1,273 | 258 | 4.93 |
90th | Jacobi Symbol | 1,238 | 217 | 5.71 |
91st | Polyominoes | 1,206 | 119 | 10.13 |
92nd | Card Number Validation | 1,197 | 263 | 4.55 |
93rd | Time Distance | 1,167 | 279 | 4.18 |
94th | Zeckendorf Representation | 1,131 | 182 | 6.21 |
95th | PalindromemordnilaP | 1,111 | 227 | 4.89 |
96th | ROT13 | 1,079 | 214 | 5.04 |
97th | Zodiac Signs | 1,041 | 193 | 5.39 |
98th | Star Wars Opening Crawl | 1,004 | 229 | 4.38 |
99th | Medal Tally | 1,000 | 220 | 4.55 |
100th | Sudoku | 989 | 248 | 3.99 |
101st | Musical Chords | 979 | 145 | 6.75 |
102nd | Ten-pin Bowling | 972 | 181 | 5.37 |
103rd | Proximity Grid | 968 | 171 | 5.66 |
104th | Poker | 947 | 224 | 4.23 |
105th | Maze | 915 | 188 | 4.87 |
106th | Repeating Decimals | 880 | 203 | 4.33 |
107th | Sudoku (Fill-in) | 813 | 173 | 4.70 |
108th | QR Decoder | 784 | 148 | 5.30 |
109th | DFA Simulator | 753 | 163 | 4.62 |
110th | Reversi | 700 | 113 | 6.19 |
111th | SI Units | 680 | 123 | 5.53 |
112th | Billiards | 574 | 100 | 5.74 |
113th | Mahjong | 422 | 85 | 4.96 |
114th | Partition Numbers | 305 | 21 | 14.52 |
115th | Tic-tac-toe | 252 | 49 | 5.14 |
116th | Apéry’s Constant | 247 | 12 | 20.58 |
117th | Highly Composite Numbers | 174 | 5 | 34.80 |
118th | Trinomial Triangle | 151 | 16 | 9.44 |
119th | Mandelbrot | 116 | 4 | 29.00 |
120th | Semiprime Numbers | 112 | 7 | 16.00 |
121st | Gray Code Encoder | 110 | 20 | 5.50 |
122nd | Hexagonal Spiral | 109 | 6 | 18.17 |
123rd | Sphenic Numbers | 108 | 7 | 15.43 |
124th | Odd Polyomino Tiling | 106 | 4 | 26.50 |
125th | Hilbert Curve | 104 | 3 | 34.67 |
126th | Scrambled Alphabetization | 100 | 21 | 4.76 |
127th | Gray Code Decoder | 82 | 18 | 4.56 |
128th | Star Wars GPT | 49 | 15 | 3.27 |
129th | Calendar | 38 | 12 | 3.17 |
130th | Set | 34 | 10 | 3.40 |
131st | Ellipse Perimeters | 24 | 8 | 3.00 |
132nd | Flags | 8 | 3 | 2.67 |
133rd | CSS Grid | 6 | 2 | 3.00 |
134th | Minesweeper | 6 | 3 | 2.00 |
135th | p-adic Expansion | 6 | 3 | 2.00 |
136th | Floyd-Steinberg Dithering | 2 | 1 | 2.00 |
137th | NFA Simulator | 2 | 1 | 2.00 |
138th | Turtle | 2 | 1 | 2.00 |