# Hole Solutions Golfers Per Golfer
1st Fizz Buzz 23,698 6,009 3.94
2nd Fibonacci 16,047 3,433 4.67
3rd Quine 9,491 1,342 7.07
4th Divisors 9,400 2,565 3.66
5th Prime Numbers 9,068 2,136 4.25
6th Evil Numbers 8,435 2,165 3.90
7th Leap Years 8,099 1,906 4.25
8th Abundant Numbers 7,172 1,811 3.96
9th Odious Numbers 6,766 1,561 4.33
10th Niven Numbers 6,750 1,502 4.49
11th 99 Bottles of Beer 6,532 2,142 3.05
12th 12 Days of Christmas 6,483 1,971 3.29
13th π 6,472 1,011 6.40
14th Foo Fizz Buzz Bar 5,481 1,351 4.06
15th Pernicious Numbers 5,398 1,019 5.30
16th Collatz 5,319 1,105 4.81
17th 𝑒 5,257 662 7.94
18th Emirp Numbers 5,159 1,273 4.05
19th Happy Numbers 5,137 1,146 4.48
20th Christmas Trees 5,068 1,401 3.62
21st Pascal’s Triangle 4,870 1,124 4.33
22nd Prime Numbers (Long) 4,644 825 5.63
23rd √2 4,613 722 6.39
24th Pangram Grep 4,272 952 4.49
25th Evil Numbers (Long) 4,244 815 5.21
26th φ 4,036 541 7.46
27th Abundant Numbers (Long) 4,000 773 5.17
28th Diamonds 3,901 925 4.22
29th Niven Numbers (Long) 3,808 656 5.80
30th Odious Numbers (Long) 3,808 645 5.90
31st Tongue-twisters 3,682 751 4.90
32nd τ 3,678 499 7.37
33rd λ 3,666 382 9.60
34th ASCII Table 3,488 737 4.73
35th Sierpiński Triangle 3,395 641 5.30
36th Ordinal Numbers 3,216 802 4.01
37th Recamán 3,149 591 5.33
38th Look and Say 3,141 635 4.95
39th Happy Numbers (Long) 3,138 538 5.83
40th Fractions 3,051 809 3.77
41st Kolakoski Sequence 2,989 440 6.79
42nd Catalan Numbers 2,941 523 5.62
43rd Arabic to Roman 2,912 796 3.66
44th Leyland Numbers 2,886 562 5.14
45th Arithmetic Numbers 2,773 533 5.20
46th Van Eck Sequence 2,772 469 5.91
47th Kolakoski Constant 2,725 257 10.60
48th Pernicious Numbers (Long) 2,714 389 6.98
49th Catalan’s Constant 2,685 306 8.77
50th Number Spiral 2,685 418 6.42
51st Cubes 2,674 597 4.48
52nd ln 2 2,560 273 9.38
53rd Rule 110 2,543 487 5.22
54th γ 2,506 194 12.92
55th ISBN 2,504 559 4.48
56th Emirp Numbers (Long) 2,496 441 5.66
57th Seven Segment 2,481 705 3.52
58th brainfuck 2,327 672 3.46
59th Roman to Arabic 2,323 554 4.19
60th Smith Numbers 2,322 360 6.45
61st United States 2,272 628 3.62
62nd Vampire Numbers 2,258 385 5.86
63rd Inventory Sequence 2,256 305 7.40
64th Lucky Numbers 2,256 343 6.58
65th Day of Week 2,168 480 4.52
66th Emojify 2,152 592 3.64
67th Intersection 2,127 538 3.95
68th CSS Colors 2,082 516 4.03
69th Farey Sequence 2,037 267 7.63
70th Arrows 2,021 541 3.74
71st Rijndael S-box 1,937 225 8.61
72nd Ascending Primes 1,908 281 6.79
73rd Factorial Factorisation 1,885 220 8.57
74th Reverse Polish Notation 1,876 412 4.55
75th Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard 1,847 495 3.73
76th Levenshtein Distance 1,815 339 5.35
77th Spelling Numbers 1,716 451 3.80
78th Morse Encoder 1,642 481 3.41
79th Gijswijt’s Sequence 1,625 195 8.33
80th Morse Decoder 1,401 403 3.48
81st N Queens 1,309 156 8.39
82nd 24 Game 1,296 168 7.71
83rd Hexdump 1,296 283 4.58
84th Game of Life 1,289 294 4.38
85th Forsyth–Edwards Notation 1,283 265 4.84
86th Lucky Tickets 1,276 214 5.96
87th Jacobi Symbol 1,163 204 5.70
88th Time Distance 1,112 266 4.18
89th Transpose Sentence 1,099 218 5.04
90th Zeckendorf Representation 1,012 162 6.25
91st Polyominoes 1,008 91 11.08
92nd Zodiac Signs 991 183 5.42
93rd Card Number Validation 958 189 5.07
94th Star Wars Opening Crawl 958 220 4.35
95th PalindromemordnilaP 956 195 4.90
96th Sudoku 949 238 3.99
97th Medal Tally 926 207 4.47
98th Musical Chords 926 137 6.76
99th Ten-pin Bowling 925 172 5.38
100th Proximity Grid 908 160 5.68
101st Poker 905 213 4.25
102nd Maze 833 171 4.87
103rd Repeating Decimals 822 188 4.37
104th Sudoku (Fill-in) 775 164 4.73
105th QR Decoder 751 142 5.29
106th DFA Simulator 686 151 4.54
107th Reversi 650 105 6.19
108th SI Units 632 115 5.50
109th Mahjong 382 75 5.09