The Set hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Rankings: Holes

Fizz Buzz in R in bytes.

# Golfer Points Bytes Time
1st SirBogman 🇺🇸 1,000 66
1st Steffan153 🇫🇮 1,000 66
1st inventshah 1,000 66
1st sean-niemann 🇺🇸 1,000 66
1st MeWhenI 🇻🇦 1,000 66
1st sisyphus-ppcg 🇦🇺 1,000 66
1st Lydxn 🇨🇦 1,000 66
1st ovs-code 🇩🇪 1,000 66
1st Alessandro-Balconi 🇮🇹 1,000 66
1st DialFrost 🇸🇬 1,000 66
1st AidanWalter 1,000 66
1st StHagel 1,000 66
1st snoozingnewt 🇺🇸 1,000 66
1st cdesodt 1,000 66
1st lyphyser 1,000 66
1st madex 🇩🇪 1,000 66
1st byronknoll 🇺🇸 1,000 66
1st pardouin 🇫🇷 1,000 66
1st CaedenHarper 🇨🇦 1,000 66
1st rboath 1,000 66
21st Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 943 70
21st ndren 943 70
21st ben-j-herbertz 943 70
21st TanguyBarthelemy 943 70
21st LostSyntax21 🇬🇧 943 70
26th uttumuttu 🇫🇮 904 73
26th marcin7Cd 904 73
28th scpchicken 🇵🇼 868 76
29th marguslt 🇪🇪 835 79
30th aliakseikalosha 815 81
31st dillon-duncando 805 82
32nd AlephSquirrel 776 85
32nd Aurel300 🇨🇭 776 85
34th dylanarmstrong 759 87
35th IanUtley 750 88
36th PatrickLez1 742 89
37th namelessiw 733 90
38th gdagstn 710 93
39th msbranicky 702 94
40th HumanoidCPU 695 95
41st hrubymar10 667 99
42nd InigoK 🇺🇸 623 106
43rd TheCod-r 🇦🇶 600 110
44th GWStuart 564 117
45th copoer 559 118
46th RedzGoose 🇦🇺 541 122
47th DaCuteRaccoon 537 123
48th benmattson 532 124
49th dokutan 528 125
50th keelimeguy 🇺🇸 520 127
51st RoscoeDaWah 🇬🇧 500 132
51st enbyte 500 132
53rd MaxCastella 🇫🇷 489 135
54th RealAMC 🇳🇿 485 136
55th ColinFay 475 139
56th krishnavemuri 398 166
57th haighd 335 197
57th zwxzwxzwx21 335 197
59th Yax42 🇫🇷 307 215
60th djtroyal 293 225
61st retrohun 156 423
61st commandblockguy 🇺🇸 156 423
61st Mabeloid 🇳🇴 156 423
64th KatieLG 🇬🇧 126 522
64th KatieLG-Transpiler 🇬🇧 126 522