MichalMarsalek (he/him) ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฟ





103 / 111 Holes


24 / 60 Langs


50 / 77 Cheevos


Holes Authored

jared-hughes solved 24 Game in TeX
stefangimmillaro solved Cubes in Kotlin
jared-hughes solved Transpose Sentence in TeX
jared-hughes solved Jacobi Symbol in TeX
JayXon solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Coconut
JayXon solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Python
jared-hughes solved Factorial Factorisation in TeX
Shanethegamer solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Arithmetic Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Prime Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Forth
jared-hughes solved Transpose Sentence in Python
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Sequence in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Leap Years in Forth
stefangimmillaro solved Sudoku in Java
stefangimmillaro solved CSS Colors in Java
stefangimmillaro solved Sudoku (Fill-in) in Java
stefangimmillaro solved Transpose Sentence in Python
stefangimmillaro solved SI Units in Rust
Shanethegamer solved Happy Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Forth
stefangimmillaro solved SI Units in Kotlin
stefangimmillaro solved SI Units in Crystal
stefangimmillaro solved SI Units in C#
stefangimmillaro solved SI Units in Java
MeWhenI solved Arabic to Roman in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Lucky Tickets in Rockstar 2
jared-hughes solved Card Number Validation in TeX
MeWhenI solved Lucky Tickets in Swift
MeWhenI solved Maze in Rockstar 2
jared-hughes solved Quine in TeX
jared-hughes solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in TeX
jared-hughes solved Niven Numbers in TeX
jared-hughes solved Evil Numbers in TeX
jared-hughes solved Pernicious Numbers in TeX
jared-hughes solved Odious Numbers in TeX
stefangimmillaro solved SI Units in Swift
Shanethegamer solved Placeholder in Forth
primo-ppcg earned ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ rm -rf
Shanethegamer solved Abundant Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Collatz in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Divisors in Forth
MeWhenI solved Reverse Polish Notation in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Vampire Numbers in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Collatz in Civet
stefangimmillaro solved SI Units in Go
jared-hughes solved Recamรกn in TeX
Shanethegamer solved Pangram Grep in Factor
JayXon solved 12 Days of Christmas in C++
jared-hughes solved Farey Sequence in TeX
Shanethegamer solved Pernicious Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Day of Week in Factor
stefangimmillaro solved N Queens in Swift
stefangimmillaro solved N Queens in Kotlin
Shanethegamer solved Fibonacci in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Niven Numbers in Forth
JayXon solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
MeWhenI solved Polyominoes in Java
MeWhenI solved Polyominoes in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Intersection in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Number Spiral in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Ten-pin Bowling in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Placeholder in Hexagony
jared-hughes solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in TeX
jared-hughes solved Abundant Numbers in TeX
MeWhenI solved Roman to Arabic in Rockstar 2
jared-hughes solved Prime Numbers in TeX
jared-hughes solved Evil Numbers (Long) in TeX
MeWhenI solved Billiards in Hexagony
jared-hughes solved Niven Numbers (Long) in TeX
jared-hughes solved ISBN in TeX
stefangimmillaro solved 24 Game in Java
MeWhenI solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Rockstar 2
jared-hughes solved brainfuck in TeX
Shanethegamer solved Look and Say in GolfScript
Shanethegamer solved ln 2 in Factor
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Constant in Factor
Shanethegamer solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Factor
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Sequence in Factor
Shanethegamer solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Factor
jared-hughes solved CSS Colors in TeX
Shanethegamer solved ๐‘’ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved โˆš2 in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฯ† in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฯ„ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฯ€ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฮป in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฮณ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ln 2 in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Constant in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in PowerShell
jared-hughes solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in TeX
Shanethegamer solved ๐‘’ in Dart
Shanethegamer solved โˆš2 in Dart
Shanethegamer solved ฯ† in Dart
Shanethegamer solved ฮป in Dart
Shanethegamer solved ln 2 in Dart
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Constant in Dart