The Set hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Rankings: Holes

φ in Kotlin in bytes.

# Golfer Points Bytes Time
1st pardouin 🇫🇷 1,000 54
1st JayXon 🇺🇸 1,000 54
3rd stefangimmillaro 831 65
4th ovs-code 🇩🇪 806 67
5th emgordon154 761 71
5th inventshah 761 71
5th DialFrost 🇸🇬 761 71
8th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 701 77
9th Herbert00709 🇵🇱 587 92
10th dokutan 574 94
11th msbranicky 327 165
12th HumanoidCPU 54 1,004
12th Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 54 1,004
12th voytxt 🇨🇿 54 1,004
12th KatieLG 🇬🇧 54 1,004
12th madeforlosers 54 1,004
12th CaedenHarper 🇨🇦 54 1,004