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Rankings: Holes

φ in sed in bytes.

# Golfer Points Bytes Time
1st nwellnhof 🇩🇪 1,000 667
2nd inventshah 991 673
3rd galloj 🇨🇿 974 685
4th GolfingSuccess 🇬🇷 821 812
5th retrohun 790 844
6th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 751 888
7th dokutan 705 946
8th snoozingnewt 🇺🇸 686 972
9th Anonymousellama21 672 993
10th Waffle3z 665 1,003
10th voytxt 🇨🇿 665 1,003
10th DaCuteRaccoon 665 1,003
10th KatieLG 🇬🇧 665 1,003
10th Betuaredead 665 1,003
10th klixel 665 1,003
10th Yewzir 665 1,003
10th Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 665 1,003
10th fuzzylojik-golf 🇺🇸 665 1,003
10th madeforlosers 665 1,003
10th HumanoidCPU 665 1,003
10th bac0id 665 1,003
10th CaedenHarper 🇨🇦 665 1,003
23rd KatieLG-Transpiler 🇬🇧 664 1,004
23rd Mabeloid 🇳🇴 664 1,004
25th msbranicky 664 1,005
26th saito-ta 🇯🇵 478 1,396