


15 / 113 Holes


1 / 61 Langs


19 / 78 Cheevos


nwellnhof solved Tic-tac-toe in Ruby
nwellnhof solved Tic-tac-toe in Perl
nwellnhof solved Tic-tac-toe in Python
nwellnhof solved Tic-tac-toe in JavaScript
nwellnhof solved Tic-tac-toe in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Tic-tac-toe in Raku
nwellnhof solved Tic-tac-toe in sed
nwellnhof solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in sed
nwellnhof earned ๐Ÿช„ Disappearing Act
nwellnhof solved ROT13 in JavaScript
btnlq earned ๐Ÿฅฐ Hugs and Kisses
primo-ppcg solved Leyland Numbers in Common Lisp
primo-ppcg solved Fractions in Common Lisp
primo-ppcg solved Arithmetic Numbers in Common Lisp
nwellnhof solved ROT13 in PowerShell
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Bash
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in sed
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Crystal
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in PHP
primo-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Day of Week in Janet
primo-ppcg solved Medal Tally in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Musical Chords in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved Card Number Validation in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Zeckendorf Representation in GolfScript
primo-ppcg solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Common Lisp
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Janet
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Common Lisp
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Bash
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in COBOL
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in AWK
primo-ppcg solved Proximity Grid in Factor
primo-ppcg solved Factorial Factorisation in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Farey Sequence in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved PalindromemordnilaP in GolfScript
primo-ppcg solved PalindromemordnilaP in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Reversi in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Zeckendorf Representation in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in GolfScript
primo-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in Perl
primo-ppcg earned ๐Ÿ’ฏ Centenarian
primo-ppcg solved Levenshtein Distance in Pascal
primo-ppcg solved Ascending Primes in Raku
primo-ppcg solved Ascending Primes in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Lucky Tickets in Factor
primo-ppcg solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Rule 110 in Bash
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Python
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in PHP
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Arithmetic Numbers in COBOL
primo-ppcg solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved 12 Days of Christmas in Fortran
nwellnhof solved ROT13 in Perl
nwellnhof solved ROT13 in Raku
primo-ppcg earned ๐ŸŽˆ Neunundneunzig Luftballons
primo-ppcg solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved ISBN in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved Happy Numbers in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved Collatz in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved Christmas Trees in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved Catalan Numbers in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved Arabic to Roman in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved Arithmetic Numbers in Fortran
primo-ppcg solved ๐‘’ in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved โˆš2 in Ruby
btnlq solved Set in Python
primo-ppcg solved ฯ† in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved Pernicious Numbers in V
btnlq solved Semiprime Numbers in Python
btnlq solved ROT13 in Python
btnlq solved Tic-tac-toe in Python
btnlq solved Calendar in Python
btnlq solved Scrambled Alphabetization in Python
btnlq solved Fibonacci in Rockstar 2
btnlq solved Tutorial in C#
primo-ppcg earned ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ rm -rf
btnlq solved Star Wars GPT in Python
btnlq solved CSS Grid in Python
btnlq solved Apรฉryโ€™s Constant in Python
btnlq solved Odd Polyomino Tiling in Python
btnlq solved Gray Code Decoder in Python
btnlq solved Trinomial Triangle in Python
btnlq solved Gray Code Encoder in Python
btnlq solved Billiards in Python
btnlq earned ๐Ÿช„ Disappearing Act
primo-ppcg solved Kaprekar Numbers in Perl
btnlq solved Tutorial in jq
btnlq solved Tutorial in PowerShell
btnlq solved Tutorial in Python
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Perl
btnlq earned โŒ X-Factor
nwellnhof solved 24 Game in JavaScript
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Ruby