


83 / 102 Holes


37 / 55 Langs


36 / 67 Cheevos


jtaxen solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
jtaxen solved SI Units in Python
jtaxen solved Diamonds in Python
jtaxen solved Morse Encoder in Python
jtaxen solved Morse Decoder in Python
jtaxen solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Python
jtaxen solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Python
jtaxen earned 🚒 Phileas Fogg
jtaxen solved Collatz in C
jtaxen solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
jtaxen solved Hexdump in Python
jtaxen solved Seven Segment in Python
jtaxen solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
jtaxen solved Pangram Grep in Python
jtaxen solved Emojify in Python
jtaxen solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Python
jtaxen solved Ξ» in Lisp
jtaxen solved Ξ» in Haskell
jtaxen earned 3 achievements: πŸ‘ 🏞️ πŸ₯
jtaxen earned πŸ‘ Mary Had a Little Lambda
jtaxen earned 🏞️ Go Forth!
jtaxen earned πŸ₯ Emergency Room
jtaxen solved Ξ» in Coconut
jtaxen solved Ξ» in Clojure
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Janet
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Haskell
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in GolfScript
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Go
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Forth
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Factor
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in F#
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Elixir
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Dart
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in D
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Crystal
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Coconut
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Clojure
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in C++
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in C#
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in C
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Berry
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in BASIC
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in R
jtaxen solved Smith Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Rijndael S-box in Python
jtaxen solved Pernicious Numbers in C
jtaxen solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Python
jtaxen earned πŸƒ Marathon Runner
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in Python
jtaxen solved Van Eck Sequence in Python
jtaxen solved Niven Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Python
jtaxen solved Happy Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Jacobi Symbol in Python
jtaxen solved 𝑒 in Python
jtaxen solved Christmas Trees in Python
jtaxen solved Evil Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Divisors in Python
jtaxen solved Farey Sequence in Python
jtaxen earned πŸ‘… Cunning Linguist
jtaxen solved Cubes in Python
jtaxen solved CSS Colors in Python
jtaxen solved Arrows in Python
jtaxen solved Arabic to Roman in Python
jtaxen solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Python
jtaxen solved 12 Days of Christmas in Python
jtaxen solved Collatz in Python
jtaxen earned 2 achievements: πŸ§ͺ 🌈
jtaxen earned πŸ§ͺ Black-box Testing
jtaxen earned 🌈 Different Strokes
jtaxen solved Abundant Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
jtaxen solved Ο† in Python
jtaxen solved Ο€ in Python
jtaxen solved RecamΓ‘n in Python
jtaxen solved brainfuck in Python
jtaxen solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Python
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in Go
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in Fortran
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in D
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in Crystal
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in C++
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in C#
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in C
jtaxen solved ISBN in Python
jtaxen solved Inventory Sequence in Python
jtaxen solved Fibonacci in AWK
jtaxen solved Vampire Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Time Distance in Python
jtaxen solved Catalan Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Leap Years in Python
jtaxen solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Python
jtaxen solved Prime Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Haskell
jtaxen solved Ascending Primes in Python
jtaxen solved Ο„ in Python
jtaxen solved Kolakoski Sequence in Python
jtaxen solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
jtaxen solved Lucky Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Pernicious Numbers in Python
jtaxen solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
jtaxen earned πŸš— Gone in 60 Holes