Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Look and Say FlyingPenguin223 119
Look and Say Mabeloid 1,289
Look and Say duckyluuk 119
Look and Say jipsong 💎 104
Look and Say GrayJoKing 🥈 106
Look and Say HumanoidCPU 1,304
Look and Say RockOfStone 🥉 107
Look and Say msbranicky 164
Look and Say Shanethegamer 130
Look and Say mtirado1 110
Look and Say MeWhenI 151
Look and Say Steffan153 111
Look and Say retrohun 1,304
Look and Say sean-niemann 112
Look and Say KatieLG-Transpiler 1,306
Look and Say DaCuteRaccoon 176
Look and Say sisyphus-ppcg 120
Look and Say jared-hughes 127
Look and Say ihearrodmod 198
Look and Say mokymok 1,306
Look and Say Waffle3z 112
Look and Say madex 404
Look and Say dokutan 114
Look and Say cafehaine 1,287
Look and Say JRaspass 1,287
Look and Say GoateSo 141
Look and Say nbrodbec 219
Look and Say not-optikk 132
Look and Say lharck 231
Look and Say KatieLG 1,306