Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Look and Say DialFrost 56
Look and Say Mabeloid 1,284
Look and Say KatieLG 1,284
Look and Say HumanoidCPU 1,284
Look and Say ovs-code 39
Look and Say SirFireball3521 58
Look and Say Natanaelel 38
Look and Say Lydxn 🥈 36
Look and Say Steffan153 🥈 36
Look and Say retrohun 1,284
Look and Say KatieLG-Transpiler 1,284
Look and Say DaCuteRaccoon 59
Look and Say scpchicken 39
Look and Say primo-ppcg 🥈 36
Look and Say mokymok 1,303
Look and Say Shanethegamer 49
Look and Say MeWhenI 1,306
Look and Say GrayJoKing 🥈 36
Look and Say BBoehm 52
Look and Say itiievskyi 54
Look and Say nwellnhof 💎 35
Look and Say SirBogman 38
Look and Say RustemB 53
Look and Say JRaspass 48