Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Look and Say Mabeloid 1,287
Look and Say HumanoidCPU 1,287
Look and Say dokutan 465
Look and Say JayXon 💎 94
Look and Say msbranicky 162
Look and Say DialFrost 184
Look and Say ovs-code 🥈 100
Look and Say primo-ppcg 112
Look and Say Shanethegamer 110
Look and Say retrohun 1,306
Look and Say MeWhenI 150
Look and Say KatieLG-Transpiler 1,306
Look and Say mokymok 1,306
Look and Say theunofficialcoder 1,287
Look and Say lynn 🥉 108
Look and Say JRaspass 1,287
Look and Say KatieLG 1,287