Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
99 Bottles of Beer FlyingPenguin223 176
99 Bottles of Beer vincens2005 338
99 Bottles of Beer Mabeloid 291
99 Bottles of Beer NickTheEASDude 337
99 Bottles of Beer HumanoidCPU 12,189
99 Bottles of Beer logancammish 632
99 Bottles of Beer dokutan 225
99 Bottles of Beer RockOfStone 344
99 Bottles of Beer Antibrain0 441
99 Bottles of Beer Xzyaihni 329
99 Bottles of Beer Kibadda 305
99 Bottles of Beer string-dot-byte 367
99 Bottles of Beer bainchild 359
99 Bottles of Beer AetherWhy 545
99 Bottles of Beer adriweb 184
99 Bottles of Beer OfficialCB 567
99 Bottles of Beer msbranicky 342
99 Bottles of Beer Phil-RGOMEGA 293
99 Bottles of Beer fbe 368
99 Bottles of Beer Sciman101 347
99 Bottles of Beer frosster 329
99 Bottles of Beer DoctorBubs 457
99 Bottles of Beer mtirado1 327
99 Bottles of Beer sisyphus-ppcg 💎 162
99 Bottles of Beer GrayJoKing 🥉 169
99 Bottles of Beer DialFrost 344
99 Bottles of Beer aDwarfNamedUrist 338
99 Bottles of Beer Nomarian 432
99 Bottles of Beer TetraPengwin 287
99 Bottles of Beer KatieLG-Transpiler 12,191
99 Bottles of Beer jared-hughes 272
99 Bottles of Beer Pengalu 359
99 Bottles of Beer Waffle3z 170
99 Bottles of Beer 1337-man 12,191
99 Bottles of Beer Shanethegamer 378
99 Bottles of Beer JRaspass 336
99 Bottles of Beer FoxieFlakey 369
99 Bottles of Beer zeaga 289
99 Bottles of Beer ihearrodmod 315
99 Bottles of Beer janbehrens 496
99 Bottles of Beer leptio 436
99 Bottles of Beer EvanDarwin 405
99 Bottles of Beer hashbmo 516
99 Bottles of Beer MeWhenI 1,258
99 Bottles of Beer aphrim 552
99 Bottles of Beer glorpglob 632
99 Bottles of Beer AZ9tumas 450
99 Bottles of Beer megukoo 332
99 Bottles of Beer K4rakara 350
99 Bottles of Beer KatieLG 12,191
99 Bottles of Beer lharck 349
99 Bottles of Beer lionbryce 350
99 Bottles of Beer Attero 263
99 Bottles of Beer DaCoolOne 299
99 Bottles of Beer primo-ppcg 🥈 164
99 Bottles of Beer josgilmo 359
99 Bottles of Beer cafehaine 309
99 Bottles of Beer rbertram90 314
99 Bottles of Beer Puigs 647
99 Bottles of Beer retrohun 12,189
99 Bottles of Beer GalladeGuy 345
99 Bottles of Beer Visckmart 331
99 Bottles of Beer Caylyn 365
99 Bottles of Beer saramaebee 551
99 Bottles of Beer Saldor010 388