The Set hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Rankings: Holes

Sierpiński Triangle in C++ in bytes.

# Golfer Points Bytes Time
1st nwellnhof 🇩🇪 1,000 78
1st primo-ppcg 🇹🇭 1,000 78
1st JayXon 🇺🇸 1,000 78
1st Lydxn 🇨🇦 1,000 78
1st sean-niemann 🇺🇸 1,000 78
1st Steffan153 🇫🇮 1,000 78
1st rucin93 🇵🇱 1,000 78
8th Irratix 🇳🇱 987 79
9th inventshah 876 89
10th BlankSpruce 848 92
10th zygoloid 848 92
10th snyderek 🇺🇸 848 92
10th tailorspy 848 92
14th ovs-code 🇩🇪 830 94
15th jared-hughes 821 95
16th janbehrens 🇩🇪 804 97
16th Herbert00709 🇵🇱 804 97
18th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 796 98
18th m-tkach 🇺🇦 796 98
18th Alex-x90 🇺🇸 796 98
21st Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 729 107
22nd retrohun 661 118
23rd Yewzir 639 122
24th Mandrzejy 🇵🇱 582 134
25th SirBogman 🇺🇸 497 157
26th ridilculous 470 166
27th gw280 451 173
28th Radwatch 406 192
29th JackieAlacrity2373 268 291
30th HumanoidCPU 211 370
31st DaCuteRaccoon 206 379
32nd dokutan 132 589
32nd CaedenHarper 🇨🇦 132 589
34th bac0id 130 601
35th Mabeloid 🇳🇴 127 613
36th KatieLG 🇬🇧 125 625
37th KatieLG-Transpiler 🇬🇧 120 648
38th kurkale6ka 117 669