


74 / 106 Holes


55 / 55 Langs


42 / 70 Cheevos


zt14427 earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
zt14427 solved 24 Game in Python
zt14427 solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
zt14427 earned 🍱 Omniglutton
zt14427 solved Prime Numbers in Rockstar
zt14427 solved Prime Numbers in Coconut
zt14427 solved Prime Numbers in Berry
zt14427 solved Prime Numbers in JavaScript
zt14427 earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
zt14427 solved Fizz Buzz in Zig
zt14427 solved Catalan’s Constant in Assembly
zt14427 solved Catalan Numbers in Assembly
zt14427 solved Catalan Numbers in Python
zt14427 solved Catalan’s Constant in Clojure
zt14427 solved Roman to Arabic in Python
zt14427 solved brainfuck in Python
zt14427 solved brainfuck in C
zt14427 earned 3 achievements: πŸ‘… πŸ‹ πŸŽ…
zt14427 earned πŸ‘… Cunning Linguist
zt14427 earned πŸ‹ Twenty Kiloleagues
zt14427 earned πŸŽ… Twelvetide
zt14427 solved Farey Sequence in Python
zt14427 solved Hexdump in Python
zt14427 solved Smith Numbers in Python
zt14427 solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Python
zt14427 solved Rule 110 in Python
zt14427 solved Seven Segment in Python
zt14427 solved RecamΓ‘n in Python
zt14427 solved Morse Encoder in Python
zt14427 solved Look and Say in Python
zt14427 solved ln 2 in Python
zt14427 earned 2 achievements: πŸš— 🎯
zt14427 earned πŸš— Gone in 60 Holes
zt14427 earned 🎯 Bullseye
zt14427 solved Leyland Numbers in Python
zt14427 solved Leap Years in Python
zt14427 solved Inventory Sequence in Python
zt14427 solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Python
zt14427 solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Python
zt14427 solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Python
zt14427 solved Emirp Numbers in Python
zt14427 solved Diamonds in Python
zt14427 solved Cubes in Python
zt14427 solved Christmas Trees in Python
zt14427 solved Niven Numbers in Python
zt14427 solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
zt14427 solved Arabic to Roman in Python
zt14427 solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Python
zt14427 solved Odious Numbers in Python
zt14427 solved Fractions in Python
zt14427 solved Kolakoski Sequence in Python
zt14427 solved Intersection in C
zt14427 solved Intersection in Python
zt14427 earned πŸ‘ DON’T PANIC!
zt14427 solved Pangram Grep in Python
zt14427 earned 8 achievements: πŸ—œ 🌈 🧢 🏞️ πŸ₯ πŸ˜› 😴 πŸ”ž
zt14427 earned πŸ—œ Under Pressure
zt14427 earned 🌈 Different Strokes
zt14427 earned 🧢 tl;dr
zt14427 earned 🏞️ Go Forth!
zt14427 earned πŸ₯ Emergency Room
zt14427 earned πŸ˜› Just Kidding
zt14427 earned 😴 Forty Winks
zt14427 earned πŸ”ž Rule 34
zt14427 solved Pascal’s Triangle in Pascal
zt14427 solved Ξ³ in Python
zt14427 solved 𝑒 in PHP
zt14427 solved 𝑒 in Python
zt14427 solved 𝑒 in Forth
zt14427 solved 𝑒 in Go
zt14427 solved 𝑒 in R
zt14427 solved Fibonacci in Hexagony
zt14427 solved Emojify in Hexagony
zt14427 solved Divisors in Hexagony
zt14427 solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Hexagony
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in brainfuck
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in Factor
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in K
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in Julia
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in J
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in Forth
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in Crystal
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in COBOL
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in Berry
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in BASIC
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in Bash
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in AWK
zt14427 solved United States in Python
zt14427 solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in TeX
zt14427 solved Collatz in Assembly
zt14427 solved Tongue-twisters in Assembly
zt14427 solved Vampire Numbers in Assembly
zt14427 solved Van Eck Sequence in Assembly
zt14427 solved Ξ» in Assembly
zt14427 solved Ο€ in Assembly
zt14427 solved Ο„ in Assembly
zt14427 solved Ο† in Assembly
zt14427 solved √2 in Assembly
zt14427 solved 𝑒 in Assembly
zt14427 solved Ξ³ in Assembly
zt14427 solved Catalan’s Constant in D
zt14427 solved Catalan’s Constant in Python
zt14427 solved ISBN in C