mrmena ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ



61 / 112 Holes


21 / 61 Langs


32 / 77 Cheevos


dokutan solved Niven Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
dokutan solved Odious Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
dokutan solved Evil Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
dokutan solved Intersection in brainfuck
dokutan solved Reverse Polish Notation in brainfuck
MeWhenI solved Levenshtein Distance in VimL
dokutan solved Christmas Trees in Gleam
dokutan solved Christmas Trees in Elixir
dokutan solved Ascending Primes in Pascal
dokutan solved Ascending Primes in Raku
dokutan solved Ascending Primes in R
dokutan solved Ascending Primes in Elixir
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Lucky Tickets in Gleam
dokutan solved Arrows in Gleam
Herbert00709 solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in SQL
Herbert00709 solved Fizz Buzz in SQL
MeWhenI solved ISBN in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Polyominoes in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Lucky Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Gleam
dokutan solved Fizz Buzz in Gleam
dokutan solved Transpose Sentence in Gleam
dokutan solved Leap Years in Gleam
dokutan solved Farey Sequence in Gleam
dokutan solved Fibonacci in Gleam
dokutan solved Inventory Sequence in Gleam
dokutan solved Kaprekar Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Gleam
dokutan solved Recamรกn in Gleam
dokutan solved Smith Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Van Eck Sequence in Gleam
dokutan solved Vampire Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Gleam
dokutan solved Ascending Primes in Gleam
dokutan solved Cubes in Gleam
dokutan solved N Queens in Gleam
dokutan solved Collatz in Gleam
dokutan solved Quine in Go
dokutan solved Quine in Haskell
dokutan solved Billiards in Coconut
dokutan solved Billiards in Python
dokutan solved Inventory Sequence in Elixir
dokutan solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in K
dokutan solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in R
dokutan solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Lua
dokutan solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Elixir
dokutan solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Berry
dokutan solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Collatz in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Leap Years in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Day of Week in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved CSS Colors in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved Ascending Primes in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved ROT13 in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved 99 Bottles of Beer in VimL
dokutan solved Morse Decoder in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Morse Encoder in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved United States in F#
dokutan solved United States in Elixir
dokutan solved United States in Crystal
dokutan solved CSS Colors in GolfScript
dokutan solved CSS Colors in PHP
dokutan solved Arithmetic Numbers in Rockstar 2
MeWhenI solved DFA Simulator in Rockstar 2
dokutan solved Rule 110 in Go
dokutan solved ln 2 in Gleam
dokutan solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Gleam
dokutan solved Kolakoski Constant in Gleam
dokutan solved Partition Numbers in Elixir
dokutan solved Placeholder in brainfuck
dokutan solved Reverse Polish Notation in Lua
dokutan solved ROT13 in Coconut
dokutan solved ROT13 in Python
dokutan solved ROT13 in Lua
dokutan solved ROT13 in Factor
dokutan solved United States in R
dokutan solved ๐‘’ in Gleam
dokutan solved โˆš2 in Gleam
dokutan solved ฯ† in Gleam
dokutan solved ฯ„ in Gleam
dokutan solved ฯ€ in Gleam
dokutan solved ฮป in Gleam
dokutan solved ฮณ in Gleam
dokutan solved Factorial Factorisation in Gleam
dokutan solved Leyland Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Look and Say in Gleam
dokutan solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Gleam
dokutan solved Happy Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Emirp Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Catalan Numbers in Gleam
dokutan solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Gleam
dokutan solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Gleam
dokutan solved Divisors in Gleam
dokutan solved Rule 110 in Gleam