

106 / 106 Holes


3 / 55 Langs


41 / 70 Cheevos


kg583 solved brainfuck in Python
kg583 solved brainfuck in Coconut
ImpressedByRocks solved Spelling Numbers in Python
hallvabo solved Transpose Sentence in Python
bricknellj solved Transpose Sentence in Python
kg583 solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
kg583 solved Transpose Sentence in Python
bricknellj solved Spelling Numbers in Python
kg583 solved Morse Decoder in Coconut
kg583 solved Morse Decoder in Python
kg583 solved Morse Encoder in Coconut
kg583 solved Morse Encoder in Python
kg583 solved Smith Numbers in Coconut
kg583 solved Proximity Grid in Coconut
kg583 solved Proximity Grid in Python
kg583 solved Mahjong in Coconut
kg583 solved Mahjong in Python
kg583 solved QR Decoder in Coconut
kg583 solved Musical Chords in Coconut
kg583 solved Musical Chords in Python
bricknellj solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Python
bricknellj solved Mahjong in Python
kg583 earned ☣️ Biohazard
bricknellj solved 24 Game in Python
kg583 solved CSS Colors in Python
bricknellj solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Python
ImpressedByRocks solved brainfuck in Python
hallvabo solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
bricknellj earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
hallvabo earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
ImpressedByRocks earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
kg583 earned 🥪 Smörgåsbord
kg583 solved Mahjong in Crystal
kg583 solved Ascending Primes in Coconut
bricknellj solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
kg583 solved Mahjong in Clojure
kg583 solved Zeckendorf Representation in Coconut
kg583 solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
kg583 solved Mahjong in Ruby
kg583 solved Sudoku in Coconut
kg583 solved Sudoku in Python
bricknellj solved Medal Tally in Python
bricknellj solved Repeating Decimals in Python
bricknellj solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
kg583 solved Medal Tally in Coconut
bricknellj solved Jacobi Symbol in Python
bricknellj solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Python
kg583 solved Mahjong in Lisp
bricknellj solved ISBN in Python
kg583 solved Arabic to Roman in Lisp
kg583 solved Spelling Numbers in Lisp
bricknellj solved Lucky Tickets in Python
kg583 solved Ascending Primes in Python
kg583 solved Rule 110 in Coconut
kg583 solved Rule 110 in Python
bricknellj solved λ in Python
kg583 solved Sudoku v2 in Python
bricknellj solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Python
hallvabo solved Reversi in Python
kg583 solved Reverse Polish Notation in Coconut
ImpressedByRocks solved CSS Colors in Python
hallvabo solved Cubes in Python
kg583 solved Reversi in Coconut
kg583 solved Reversi in Python
kg583 solved United States in Coconut
kg583 solved Look and Say in Coconut
bricknellj solved Reversi in Python
bricknellj solved CSS Colors in Python
bricknellj solved ln 2 in Python
bricknellj solved Musical Chords in Python
bricknellj solved Hexdump in Python
ImpressedByRocks solved Recamán in Python
bricknellj solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
ImpressedByRocks solved N Queens in Python
bricknellj solved N Queens in Python
kg583 solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
bricknellj solved Leap Years in brainfuck
hallvabo solved N Queens in Python
hallvabo solved Mahjong in Python
bricknellj solved Morse Encoder in brainfuck
kg583 solved N Queens in Coconut
kg583 solved N Queens in Python
bricknellj solved 99 Bottles of Beer in brainfuck
bricknellj solved Number Spiral in Python
kg583 solved DFA Simulator in Coconut
kg583 solved DFA Simulator in Python
kg583 solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
kg583 solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
hallvabo solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
hallvabo solved SI Units in Python
hallvabo solved Diamonds in Python
kg583 solved Poker in Coconut
kg583 solved Vampire Numbers in Coconut
hallvabo solved 24 Game in Python
kg583 solved λ in Coconut
kg583 solved Zodiac Signs in Coconut
kg583 solved Catalan’s Constant in Coconut
kg583 solved Christmas Trees in Coconut
kg583 solved Maze in Coconut
kg583 solved Maze in Python