CornerMercury ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง



74 / 111 Holes


10 / 60 Langs


28 / 77 Cheevos


ndren solved Fibonacci in Ruby
ndren solved Placeholder in C
ndren solved Placeholder in Bash
ndren solved Placeholder in Assembly
CornerMercury solved Placeholder in GolfScript
ndren solved Placeholder in Common Lisp
ndren earned ๐Ÿ”ฆ Double-slit Experiment
ndren solved Placeholder in GolfScript
CornerMercury solved Placeholder in Python
ndren solved Placeholder in Python
ndren solved Placeholder in Hexagony
ndren solved Rijndael S-box in brainfuck
ndren earned ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ rm -rf
ndren solved Gray Code Decoder in Python
ndren solved Gray Code Encoder in Python
CornerMercury solved PalindromemordnilaP in Python
CornerMercury solved Card Number Validation in Python
CornerMercury solved Trinomial Triangle in Python
CornerMercury solved Sphenic Numbers in Python
CornerMercury solved Gray Code Encoder in Python
CornerMercury solved Gray Code Decoder in Python
CornerMercury solved Star Wars GPT in Python
CornerMercury solved Partition Numbers in Python
CornerMercury solved Billiards in Python
ndren solved Billiards in Python
ndren earned ๐Ÿช„ Disappearing Act
CornerMercury earned ๐Ÿชฆ 0xDEAD
CornerMercury solved Poker in Python
ndren solved Poker in Python
CornerMercury solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
ndren solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
ndren solved 24 Game in Python
CornerMercury solved Kaprekar Numbers in Python
CornerMercury earned ๐Ÿ‘… Cunning Linguist
ndren solved Kaprekar Numbers in Python
ndren solved ฯ„ in Perl
ndren solved ฯ€ in Perl
ndren solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
ndren solved Card Number Validation in Python
ndren solved PalindromemordnilaP in Python
CornerMercury solved Fizz Buzz in C
ndren solved Polyominoes in Python
ndren earned ๐Ÿฆซ Busy Beaver
ndren earned ๐Ÿท Aged like Fine Wine
ndren solved Fizz Buzz in OCaml
ndren solved Transpose Sentence in Python
ndren solved Ascending Primes in C++
ndren solved CSS Colors in Python
CornerMercury earned ๐Ÿฅช Smรถrgรฅsbord
ndren earned ๐Ÿฅช Smรถrgรฅsbord
ndren solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
ndren solved ASCII Table in Python
ndren earned ๐Ÿฑ Omniglutton
ndren solved Rijndael S-box in Assembly
ndren solved Fizz Buzz in Assembly
ndren solved Rijndael S-box in Python
ndren solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Assembly
CornerMercury solved Evil Numbers in C
CornerMercury solved Odious Numbers (Long) in C
CornerMercury solved Odious Numbers in C
CornerMercury solved Evil Numbers (Long) in C
CornerMercury solved Reversi in Python
ndren solved Reversi in Python
ndren solved 24 Game in C++
ndren solved ฮณ in K
CornerMercury earned ๐Ÿท Aged like Fine Wine
ndren solved N Queens in Python
ndren solved Roman to Arabic in Coconut
ndren solved Factorial Factorisation in VimL
ndren solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Python
ndren solved ฮณ in Coconut
ndren solved ฮณ in Ruby
ndren solved ฮณ in Python
ndren solved ฮณ in Rockstar
ndren solved 24 Game in Common Lisp
ndren solved 24 Game in C
ndren solved 24 Game in brainfuck
ndren solved 24 Game in GolfScript
ndren solved Number Spiral in TeX
ndren solved 24 Game in TeX
ndren solved ฮณ in Julia
ndren solved ฮณ in Rust
ndren solved ฮณ in SQL
ndren solved ฮณ in PHP
ndren solved ฮณ in Tcl
ndren solved Cubes in Coconut
ndren solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Python
ndren solved Mahjong in Coconut
ndren solved brainfuck in Coconut
ndren solved Emojify in Python
ndren solved Emojify in Coconut
ndren solved Intersection in Coconut
ndren solved Spelling Numbers in Common Lisp
ndren solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Python
ndren solved Fizz Buzz in AWK
ndren solved Fizz Buzz in C#
ndren solved Fizz Buzz in C++
CornerMercury solved Leap Years in R
ndren solved Spelling Numbers in Coconut
ndren solved Lucky Tickets in Coconut