The N Queens hole will go live in . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Inventory Sequence dokutan 938
Inventory Sequence rhdqor213 🥈 64
Inventory Sequence elgan65536 73
Inventory Sequence Bmrl7 98
Inventory Sequence Yewzir 115
Inventory Sequence inventshah 66
Inventory Sequence KasperKivimaeki 67
Inventory Sequence msbranicky 94
Inventory Sequence HumanoidCPU 2,639
Inventory Sequence JohandeRuiter 🥈 64
Inventory Sequence catfish000 🥈 64
Inventory Sequence bac0id 74
Inventory Sequence RYNO8 71
Inventory Sequence ZakkkkAttackkkk 68
Inventory Sequence madex 93
Inventory Sequence Steffan153 66
Inventory Sequence sean-niemann 65
Inventory Sequence jared-hughes 70
Inventory Sequence Haksell 2,639
Inventory Sequence Lydxn 💎 63
Inventory Sequence GrayJoKing 67
Inventory Sequence retrohun 2,639
Inventory Sequence nwellnhof 🥈 64
Inventory Sequence Irratix 81
Inventory Sequence pandapawskat 73
Inventory Sequence Alex-x90 71
Inventory Sequence MeWhenI 69
Inventory Sequence m-tkach 65
Inventory Sequence prplz 69
Inventory Sequence JayXon 🥈 64
Inventory Sequence Shanethegamer 68
Inventory Sequence sisyphus-ppcg 66
Inventory Sequence defterade 73
Inventory Sequence KatieLG 3,645
Inventory Sequence KatieLG-Transpiler 3,643
Inventory Sequence ovs-code 66
Inventory Sequence janbehrens 67
Inventory Sequence GolfingSuccess 68