The N Queens hole will go live in . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Inventory Sequence xsot 🥇 43
Inventory Sequence Yewzir 97
Inventory Sequence msbranicky 88
Inventory Sequence DialFrost 94
Inventory Sequence Lydxn 🥇 43
Inventory Sequence sean-niemann 46
Inventory Sequence MeWhenI 53
Inventory Sequence scpchicken 157
Inventory Sequence retrohun 3,633
Inventory Sequence primo-ppcg 🥇 43
Inventory Sequence sisyphus-ppcg 45
Inventory Sequence KatieLG 3,637
Inventory Sequence KatieLG-Transpiler 3,640
Inventory Sequence clockworknazo 🥇 43
Inventory Sequence dvargas46 46
Inventory Sequence Steffan153 46
Inventory Sequence Shanethegamer 50