


54 / 114 Holes


51 / 61 Langs


31 / 78 Cheevos


aalec earned ๐Ÿฅช Smรถrgรฅsbord
aalec earned ๐Ÿฑ Omniglutton
aalec solved Abundant Numbers in Python
aalec solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Python
aalec solved N Queens in Python
aalec solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Python
aalec solved United States in Python
aalec solved Rule 110 in Python
aalec solved Recamรกn in Python
aalec solved Catalan Numbers in brainfuck
aalec solved Catalan Numbers in Python
aalec solved Arrows in Python
aalec solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Python
aalec solved Evil Numbers in Python
aalec solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Python
aalec solved Pernicious Numbers in Python
aalec solved Odious Numbers in Python
aalec solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Python
aalec solved ASCII Table in Python
aalec solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
aalec solved Leyland Numbers in Python
aalec earned 2 achievements: ๐ŸŽฏ ๐Ÿ‘
aalec earned ๐ŸŽฏ Bullseye
aalec earned ๐Ÿ‘ DONโ€™T PANIC!
aalec solved Time Distance in Python
aalec solved Emojify in Python
aalec solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
aalec solved Niven Numbers in Python
aalec solved 12 Days of Christmas in Python
aalec solved Seven Segment in Python
aalec solved Tongue-twisters in Python
aalec solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Python
aalec solved Van Eck Sequence in Python
aalec solved Divisors in Python
aalec solved Collatz in Python
aalec solved Cubes in Python
aalec solved Sudoku in Python
aalec solved Lucky Numbers in Python
aalec solved โˆš2 in Python
aalec earned 3 achievements: ๐Ÿ˜ด ๐Ÿ”ž ๐Ÿ‹
aalec earned ๐Ÿ˜ด Forty Winks
aalec earned ๐Ÿ”ž Rule 34
aalec earned ๐Ÿ‹ Twenty Kiloleagues
aalec solved Pangram Grep in Python
aalec solved Leap Years in Python
aalec solved Rijndael S-box in Python
aalec solved ISBN in Python
aalec solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Python
aalec solved Happy Numbers in Python
aalec solved Emirp Numbers in Python
aalec solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Python
aalec solved Prime Numbers in Python
aalec solved Ordinal Numbers in Python
aalec solved ASCII Table in Fortran
aalec solved ฯ€ in ><>
aalec solved ฯ€ in J
aalec earned 11 achievements: ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿฅ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿชž ๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ ๐Ÿงช ๐Ÿž๏ธ โ˜• ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿช ๐Ÿ˜
aalec earned ๐Ÿ˜› Just Kidding
aalec earned ๐Ÿฅ Emergency Room
aalec earned ๐Ÿ Ouroboros
aalec earned ๐Ÿชž Solve Quine
aalec earned ๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ Omniglot
aalec earned ๐Ÿงช Black-box Testing
aalec earned ๐Ÿž๏ธ Go Forth!
aalec earned โ˜• Caffeinated
aalec earned ๐Ÿ– Polyglutton
aalec earned ๐Ÿช Tim Toady
aalec earned ๐Ÿ˜ ElePHPant in the Room
aalec solved ๐‘’ in R
aalec solved ฯ€ in brainfuck
aalec solved ฯ€ in AWK
aalec solved ฯ€ in Bash
aalec solved ฯ€ in BASIC
aalec solved ฯ€ in Berry
aalec solved ฯ€ in C#
aalec solved ฯ€ in Clojure
aalec solved ฯ€ in Coconut
aalec solved Quine in Python
aalec solved ฯ€ in Crystal
aalec solved ฯ€ in D
aalec solved ฯ€ in Dart
aalec solved ฯ€ in Elixir
aalec solved ฯ€ in F#
aalec solved ฯ€ in Factor
aalec solved ฯ€ in Forth
aalec solved ฯ€ in Go
aalec solved ฯ€ in GolfScript
aalec solved ฯ€ in Janet
aalec solved ฯ€ in Java
aalec solved ฯ€ in JavaScript
aalec solved ฯ€ in Julia
aalec solved ฯ€ in K
aalec solved ฯ€ in Common Lisp
aalec solved ฯ€ in Lua
aalec solved ฯ€ in Nim
aalec solved ฯ€ in OCaml
aalec solved ฯ€ in Pascal
aalec solved ฯ€ in Perl
aalec solved ฯ€ in PHP
aalec solved ฯ€ in PowerShell
aalec solved ฯ€ in Prolog
aalec solved ฯ€ in sed
aalec solved ฯ€ in SQL