SirBogman (he/him) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


So many people look at the bog.




113 / 113 Holes


60 / 61 Langs


68 / 77 Cheevos


Holes Authored


12 Days of Christmas
2nd9th11th 2nd4th 5th 37th 5th 3rd 3rd 20th 3rd 7th 8th
24 Game
11th 2nd πŸ’Ž 2nd 3rd 2nd 23rd πŸ’Ž 2nd
99 Bottles of Beer
4th7th 4th 3rd 5th 3rd 3rd 12th 4th 4th9th 4th
Abundant Numbers
16th13th 8th 3rd1st 13th 4th 21st 19th 45th 5th 19th
Abundant Numbers (Long)
3rd15th 6th 3rd1st 10th 1st 17th 8th 12th 8th 17th
Arabic to Roman
2nd24th1st 4th 3rd 4th 5th 3rd 18th 3rd 8th
Arithmetic Numbers
πŸ’Ž16th 4th 2nd 5th 2nd 51st 5th 10th
19th 4th 4th 3rd 6th 17th 5th 9th
Ascending Primes
10th4th5th 10th πŸ’Ž 1st 4th 1st 2nd 16th 7th 11th
6th26th 3rd 10th 4th 5th 3rd 36th 3rd 10th
2nd 25th
5th3rd2nd2nd 2nd14th πŸ’Ž πŸ’Ž 5th 2nd20th 4th 2nd 5th 5th 35th 4th 10th
Card Number Validation
6th 40th 16th
Catalan Numbers
22nd 4th 22nd 15th 8th 15th 69th 9th 35th
Catalan’s Constant
7th 10th 4th 2nd 5th 3rd 22nd 1st2nd 3rd 10th 4th 8th
Christmas Trees
2nd23rd 3rd 12th 8th 4th 9th 13th 6th 10th
3rd31st 6th 17th 7th 11th 9th 1st 5th 8th 23rd
CSS Colors
6th5th7th πŸ’Ž4th πŸ’Ž 5th 4th 1st 30th 5th 13th
22nd 2nd 2nd 4th 3rd 3rd 12th 4th 2nd
Day of Week
21st 4th 3rd 2nd 1st 51st 5th 18th
DFA Simulator
16th 1st πŸ’Ž 2nd 2nd 2nd 34th 3rd 4th
2nd20th 12th 3rd 11th 8th 6th 6th7th16th 7th 10th
64th 4th13th 20th 1st 1st 12th1st 1st 8th 2nd 1st 1st 4th50th 19th
Emirp Numbers
20th8th 7th 10th 2nd 13th 11th 10th 7th 8th
Emirp Numbers (Long)
3rd25th 5th 8th 1st 12th 2nd 20th 9th 6th
8th 16th 3rd πŸ’Ž 2nd 5th 20th 2nd 6th
Evil Numbers
20th8th 11th 13th 8th 19th 1st 1st 2nd 1st 8th 31st
Evil Numbers (Long)
4th16th 10th 6th 5th 9th 1st 1st 1st 32nd 6th 21st
Factorial Factorisation
12th πŸ’Ž 5th 8th 2nd 29th 4th 14th
Farey Sequence
3rd21st 3rd 5th 4th 7th 32nd 5th 18th
Fizz Buzz
7th16th63rd6th12th13th31st1st17th 21st4th23rd15th7th8th19th15th10th18th16th5th41st14th73rd4th9th9th1st1st1st27th8th32nd88th13th14th15th8th1st1st12th16th1st1st14th7th3rd43rd9th23rd9th14th10th5th15th11th22nd14th
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar
3rd14th22nd4th6th3rd16th15th9th 9th4th26th7th10th16th10th5th4th12th6th3rd16th3rd16th2nd9th8th5th5th1st28th8th11th25th6th4th6th11th1st2nd11th14th6th5th11th6th11th4th8th9th4th11th7th5th3rd4th9th7th
Forsyth–Edwards Notation
23rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 24th 6th 21st
32nd 5th 12th 7th 6th 6th 76th 6th 1st
Game of Life
19th 2nd 4th 7th 3rd 14th 3rd 8th
Gijswijt’s Sequence
18th 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 43rd 4th 9th
Happy Numbers
19th21st 8th 22nd 14th 4th 12th 37th 9th 14th
Happy Numbers (Long)
3rd23rd 4th 22nd 11th 1st 3rd 23rd 8th 24th
17th πŸ’Ž 6th 3rd 2nd 7th 2nd 20th 2nd 9th
27th 3rd 7th 10th 8th 5th 19th 5th 8th
Inventory Sequence
2nd19th 7th 3rd 8th 4th 9th 12th 2nd 11th 7th 8th
8th 2nd27th 3rd 9th 7th 16th 6th 23rd 7th 10th
Jacobi Symbol
3rd 2nd21st 2nd 4th1st4th 2nd 3rd 6th 3rd6th16th 3rd 6th
Kaprekar Numbers
9th 3rd 30th
Kolakoski Constant
9th 7th 15th πŸ’Ž 6th 8th 5th 2nd 15th 2nd 13th
Kolakoski Sequence
7th 2nd30th 23rd 19th 13th 4th 7th18th 2nd 1st 5th 12th 5th 25th
Leap Years
3rd22nd 13th 7th8th 18th 2nd 1st 119th 10th 55th
Levenshtein Distance
7th 8th πŸ’Ž 11th 6th 5th 22nd3rd7th14th 7th 40th 4th
Leyland Numbers
2nd26th 4th 10th 3rd 49th 4th 12th 1st 4th 15th
ln 2
6th7th8th 2nd17th 8th 4th 3rd 6th 2nd 18th 1st3rd 1st 6th 29th 7th 13th
Look and Say
2nd22nd 12th 3rd 15th 5th 8th 4th 10th 6th 14th
Lucky Numbers
20th 6th 6th 7th 3rd 4th 31st 3rd 11th
Lucky Tickets
7th 2nd14th 3rd 2nd4th8th 6th 8th 6th 3rd 16th 3rd 6th
3rdπŸ’Ž2nd πŸ¦„5th 6th πŸ¦„ 2nd πŸ’Ž 2nd πŸ’Ž 5th 2nd 6th
10th 8th 12th 3rd 3rd 4th 3rd 6th 3rd 10th
Medal Tally
14th πŸ’Ž18th πŸ’Ž 3rd 2nd 3rd 15th 1st 12th
Morse Decoder
19th 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 14th 4th 6th
Morse Encoder
16th 2nd 4th 4th 4th 16th 3rd 6th
Musical Chords
6th2nd4th 3rd 2nd3rd 3rd πŸ’Ž 3rd 3rd 8th 3rd πŸ’Ž 3rd 2ndπŸ’Ž3rd 2nd 2nd
N Queens
13th 14th πŸ’Ž πŸ’Ž 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 30th 5th 2nd
Niven Numbers
11th 22nd25th 1st 3rd 6th 23rd 8th 5th 7th 31st 1st 11th
Niven Numbers (Long)
3rd29th 14th 10th 2nd 4th 1st 12th 83rd 1st 1st
Number Spiral
6th20th 2nd 4th 7th 1st 3rd 26th 3rd 6th
Odious Numbers
22nd9th 11th 13th 8th 19th 1st 1st 2nd 1st 9th 26th
Odious Numbers (Long)
4th9th 11th 5th 5th 19th 1st 1st 1st 1st 8th 18th
Ordinal Numbers
3rd26th 4th 14th 9th 5th 13th 8th 58th 1st 19th
13th πŸ’Ž 7th 4th 4th 37th 6th 16th
Pangram Grep
11th 5th 2nd28th 12th 2nd 1st8th3rd 3rd5th 18th 12th6th 13th 12th 3rd1st25th6th13th 22nd9th 15th10th5th 9th
Pascal’s Triangle
59th 28th 3rd30th 9th 13th 1st 70th 1st 32nd 21st9th 34th 11th 44th
Pernicious Numbers
22nd23rd 15th 4th 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 14th 18th
Pernicious Numbers (Long)
4th21st 15th 7th 10th 4th 7th 6th 47th 17th 22nd
2nd 6th πŸ’Ž 3rd 2nd 2nd 11th 2nd 5th
11th 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 21st 2nd 7th
Prime Numbers
40th22nd24th 23rd33rd 10th 13th 7th 25th35th 1st 21st46th 1st 13th8th64th 15th 24th
Prime Numbers (Long)
32nd10th23rd 4th20th 11th 5th 4th 21st9th 1st 7th21st 1st 6th13th41st 14th 1st
Proximity Grid
3rd πŸ’Ž13th 5th 2nd 3rd 12th 2nd 6th πŸ’Ž 8th πŸ’Ž 6th
QR Decoder
8th 8th 6th πŸ’Ž 5th 4th 3rd 9th 2nd 4th
1st38th1st 25th26th1st30th 14th6th27th1st20th 30th9th22nd18th29th1st16th29th10th1st8th1st28th 1st1st 1st20th1st24th1st32nd23rd1st56th 12th 1st1st 8th27th 13th
4th 26th 16th 26th 1st 6th 2nd2nd 8th 6th 23rd 3rd 15th
Repeating Decimals
πŸ’Ž16th πŸ’Ž 3rd 3rd 2nd 16th 11th 5th
Reverse Polish Notation
22nd 4th 1st 6th 37th 5th 4th 24th 2nd 9th
πŸ¦„11th 6th 2nd 2nd 2nd 4th 2nd 9th 3rd 4th
Rijndael S-box
8th4th8th 2nd13th 4th 3rd 2nd 4th3rd 2nd 4th 2nd 2nd 2nd 8th πŸ’Ž 3rd
9th 8th 2nd10th πŸ’Ž 2nd 2nd 2nd5th24th 3rd 7th
Roman to Arabic
2nd27th 5th 5th 10th 10th 14th 32nd 4th 25th
14th3rd9th πŸ’Ž15th 2nd 2nd 3rd 4th 9th πŸ’Ž 41st 5th 12th
Rule 110
2nd20th 3rd 5th12th 5th 4th 6th 26th 6th 15th
Seven Segment
21st 2nd 7th 3rd 5th 2nd 12th 5th 6th
SI Units
2nd πŸ’Ž 2nd 2nd 2nd 4th 2nd πŸ’Ž
SierpiΕ„ski Triangle
59th27th25th 4th23rd 7th 6th 8th7th πŸ’Ž 4th 10th 44th 6th 21st
Smith Numbers
21st 4th 5th 5th 4th 4th 19th 3rd 8th
Spelling Numbers
2nd15th1st 3rd 5th 6th 2nd 14th 3rd 7th 5th
Star Wars Opening Crawl
2nd8th πŸ’Ž 2nd 2nd 2nd 13th 3rd 3rd
6th3rd6th 1st2nd 4th πŸ’Ž 2nd4th2nd2nd 2nd 5th 2nd 2nd 4th πŸ’Ž 2nd 2nd
Sudoku (Fill-in)
8th5th5th 2nd4th 6th 2nd 3rd3rd4th3rd 5th 6th 2nd 2nd 7th πŸ’Ž 7th 2nd
Ten-pin Bowling
2nd14th 3rd5th 2nd 2nd 3rd 1st 4th 3rd 5th
11th πŸ¦„ 3rd 3rd 4th πŸ’Ž 20th πŸ’Ž 8th
Time Distance
8th 18th 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 18th πŸ’Ž 6th
23rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 1st 21st 2nd 3rd
Transpose Sentence
24th πŸ’Ž 6th 6th 4th 52nd 6th 12th
United States
5th 2nd16th5th12th 2nd15th4th 2nd 2nd7th 4th 3rd 7th54th 7th2nd 5th5th 9th9th4th4th8th 3rd 9th5th 3rd 2nd
Vampire Numbers
19th 3rd 5th 4th 2nd 2nd 5th 4th 7th
Van Eck Sequence
23rd 3rd 7th 1st 7th 7th 35th 4th 18th
Zeckendorf Representation
12th 11th 4th 2nd 6th 3rd 35th 3rd 12th
Zodiac Signs
2nd19th 1st 5th 3rd 20th 2nd 2nd 14th 2nd 11th
15th4th7th 9th 3rd 2nd πŸ’Ž 3rd 1st 9th 1st2nd πŸ’Ž 9th 2nd 6th
7th 10th 4th 4th 7th 2nd 33rd 2nd 2nd 23rd 5th 9th
4th11th5th 2nd18th 5th 4th 7th20th 3rd 11th 1st4th 4th 5th 24th 7th 15th
4th10th5th 2nd18th 5th 4th 5th 3rd 11th 1st3rd 4th 3rd 21st 7th 14th
7th14th6th 3rd23rd 6th 3rd13th10th 5th 16th 1st4th 1st 9th 47th 6th 17th
4th12th5th 16th 6th 3rd16th9th 13th 8th 1st4th 1st 8th 1st 8th 22nd
13th11th9th 2nd15th 5th 6th 11th 1st 1st6th 5th 8th 1st 9th 14th