



69 / 114 Holes


24 / 61 Langs


38 / 78 Cheevos


anter69 solved Happy Numbers in Crystal
anter69 solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Crystal
anter69 solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Crystal
anter69 solved Odious Numbers in Crystal
anter69 solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Crystal
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in Crystal
anter69 solved Partition Numbers in Ruby
anter69 solved Partition Numbers in Python
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in Go
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in AWK
anter69 solved Partition Numbers in Crystal
Kacarott solved Tic-tac-toe in JavaScript
Kacarott solved Tic-tac-toe in Python
Kacarott solved Tic-tac-toe in Factor
anter69 earned ๐Ÿฅฐ Hugs and Kisses
Kacarott earned ๐Ÿฅฐ Hugs and Kisses
anter69 solved Repeating Decimals in Crystal
anter69 solved Repeating Decimals in Ruby
anter69 solved Repeating Decimals in Python
Kacarott earned ๐Ÿฆซ Busy Beaver
Kacarott solved Tutorial in Prolog
Kacarott solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
Kacarott solved Reverse Polish Notation in Coconut
anter69 solved Tic-tac-toe in Python
anter69 solved Musical Chords in Python
anter69 solved Kaprekar Numbers in Ruby
anter69 solved Kaprekar Numbers in Python
anter69 solved ROT13 in Python
anter69 solved Tutorial in Python
anter69 solved Tic-tac-toe in Ruby
anter69 solved Tutorial in Ruby
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in Java
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in Gleam
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in Rockstar 2
anter69 earned ๐Ÿฆซ Busy Beaver
Kacarott solved Hilbert Curve in Factor
Kacarott solved Tutorial in brainfuck
Kacarott solved Tutorial in Factor
anter69 solved Kaprekar Numbers in Crystal
Kacarott solved ROT13 in Factor
anter69 solved ROT13 in Crystal
anter69 solved ROT13 in Ruby
Just4FunCoder earned ๐ŸŽ… Twelvetide
anter69 solved Musical Chords in Ruby
anter69 solved Ascending Primes in Python
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in Kotlin
anter69 solved CSS Colors in Ruby
anter69 solved Rijndael S-box in F#
anter69 earned ๐ŸŽฎ S-box 360
Kacarott solved Kaprekar Numbers in Factor
anter69 solved PalindromemordnilaP in Ruby
anter69 solved PalindromemordnilaP in Crystal
anter69 solved Seven Segment in Python
anter69 solved Factorial Factorisation in Ruby
anter69 solved Factorial Factorisation in Crystal
anter69 solved Arithmetic Numbers in Crystal
anter69 solved ln 2 in Crystal
anter69 solved ฮณ in Crystal
anter69 solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Crystal
anter69 solved Van Eck Sequence in Crystal
anter69 solved CSS Colors in Crystal
anter69 solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Pascal
anter69 solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Ruby
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in J
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in Julia
anter69 solved N Queens in Python
anter69 solved Seven Segment in Ruby
anter69 solved Evil Numbers in BASIC
anter69 solved Seven Segment in Crystal
anter69 solved Fizz Buzz in Crystal
anter69 solved Card Number Validation in Ruby
anter69 solved Card Number Validation in Python
anter69 solved Transpose Sentence in Python
anter69 solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
anter69 solved Polyominoes in Python
anter69 solved PalindromemordnilaP in Python
anter69 solved Zodiac Signs in Python
anter69 solved Zodiac Signs in Crystal
anter69 solved Zodiac Signs in Ruby
anter69 solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Crystal
anter69 solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Python
anter69 solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Ruby
anter69 solved Card Number Validation in Crystal
Kacarott solved Card Number Validation in Factor
anter69 earned ๐Ÿ”ฆ Double-slit Experiment
anter69 solved Tongue-twisters in Ruby
anter69 solved Tongue-twisters in Python
Kacarott solved Game of Life in Factor
Kacarott solved Morse Decoder in Factor
Kacarott solved Seven Segment in Factor
Kacarott solved Vampire Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved Poker in Factor
Kacarott solved Cubes in Factor
Kacarott solved Christmas Trees in Factor
Kacarott solved Morse Encoder in Factor
Kacarott solved Ordinal Numbers in Factor
Kacarott solved United States in Factor
Kacarott solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Factor
Madjosz earned ๐Ÿท Aged like Fine Wine
Kacarott solved Medal Tally in Factor