The Tic-tac-toe hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Rankings: Recent Holes

Ten most recent holes in Raku in chars.

ROT13, Billiards, Kaprekar Numbers, Card Number Validation, PalindromemordnilaP, Polyominoes, Transpose Sentence, Zeckendorf Representation, Reversi, and N Queens.

# Golfer Holes Points Chars Time
1st nwellnhof 🇩🇪 8 7,683 455
2nd GrayJoKing 🇦🇺 6 6,000 300
3rd SirBogman 🇺🇸 7 5,413 517
4th Natanaelel 🇸🇪 5 4,338 272
5th Steffan153 🇫🇮 4 3,734 233
6th ovs-code 🇩🇪 4 3,407 289
7th pardouin 🇫🇷 2 2,000 79
8th DialFrost 🇸🇬 2 1,371 254
9th Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 5 1,303 5,424
10th Lydxn 🇨🇦 1 1,000 30
11th lynn 1 1,000 39
11th sisyphus-ppcg 🇦🇺 1 1,000 39
13th sean-niemann 🇺🇸 1 1,000 40
14th MostParsingVex 1 1,000 146
15th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 4 757 3,757
16th dokutan 2 330 1,162
17th KatieLG 🇬🇧 4 301 18,736
18th HumanoidCPU 3 290 5,265
19th KatieLG-Transpiler 🇬🇧 2 70 4,820