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Rankings: Holes

𝑒 in all languages in chars.

# Golfer Lang Points Chars Time
838th retrohun Raku 469 60
838th scpchicken 🇵🇼 Raku 469 60
838th neel11235813 Raku 469 60
838th o0lit3 🇺🇸 Raku 469 60
838th kurkale6ka Raku 469 60
846th sln786 Python 467 100
847th cbrt-x Java 464 307
848th kenny14231 Python 463 101
849th zakariamouhid JavaScript 460 104
850th FlyingPenguin223 ><> 457 59
851st Thonoton Julia 456 62
852nd yokasuretsu Raku 454 62
853rd Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 PHP 452 144
854th elgan65536 Rust 452 251
855th boxjelly Ruby 446 84
856th PyPylia 🇦🇺 Python 445 105
857th Genius3435 Python 441 106
857th davidsaltacc Python 441 106
859th jgbaldwinbrown Go 440 288
860th The3gs Python 437 107
861st Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 J 436 52
862nd Giga-Bowser C 436 188
863rd c0d3-4-F00d 🇩🇪 Java 433 329
864th eranws JavaScript 431 111
865th Yewzir 🇧🇪 C++ 430 235
866th IshanPanpaliya Python 429 109
867th Schmitt-Very-Cool Java 429 332
868th Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 Lisp 425 114
869th tobeannouncd Haskell 423 124
870th dzshn Python 421 111
871st Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 Raku 420 67
872nd Serj-0 Python 417 112
872nd Maltysen Python 417 112
872nd andre-lameirinhas 🇵🇹 Python 417 112
872nd RandGuy Python 417 112
876th GolfingSuccess 🇬🇷 sed 415 817
877th the-zammers Haskell 413 127
878th dokutan C++ 413 245
879th Andre3582 Python 406 115
880th dokutan V 406 218
881st TaserTheFox 🇺🇸 Python 403 116
882nd amollberg 🇸🇪 Python 399 117
882nd martinnorling 🇸🇪 Python 399 117
882nd lucky-lilypad Python 399 117
882nd dillon-duncando Python 399 117
886th retrohun sed 399 849
887th boxjelly Python 396 118
887th ThatAlo Python 396 118
889th rniii Ruby 394 95
890th dokutan Wren 392 211
891st typeswitch-dev 🇵🇹 Forth 391 241
892nd Ripick Python 389 120
893rd Starwort 🇬🇧 Python 386 121
893rd artieleach Python 386 121
893rd michelebastione 🇮🇹 Python 386 121
896th Yewzir 🇧🇪 V 386 229
897th Herbert00709 🇵🇱 GolfScript 385 52
898th unfinishedprogram JavaScript 383 125
899th Yewzir 🇧🇪 Wren 381 217
900th Pena86 Python 380 123