The Set hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Rankings: Holes

τ in Haskell in bytes.

# Golfer Points Bytes Time
1st HPWiz 🇳🇿 1,000 70
2nd sean-niemann 🇺🇸 972 72
2nd ovs-code 🇩🇪 972 72
4th xnor-gate 946 74
5th lynn 933 75
6th primo-ppcg 🇹🇭 921 76
7th annaproxy 843 83
8th GrayJoKing 🇦🇺 814 86
8th jared-hughes 814 86
10th bforte 787 89
11th marcin7Cd 753 93
12th CatsAreFluffy 673 104
13th flawr 619 113
14th Natanaelel 🇸🇪 543 129
15th yzhs 🇩🇪 483 145
16th Shanethegamer 🇺🇸 387 181
17th boxjelly 183 383
18th dokutan 82 857
19th Mojken 69 1,015
19th Haksell 🇦🇶 69 1,015
19th StardustGogeta 69 1,015
19th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 69 1,015
19th Waffle3z 69 1,015
19th KatieLG 🇬🇧 69 1,015
19th mokymok 🇺🇸 69 1,015
19th voytxt 🇨🇿 69 1,015
19th retrohun 69 1,015
19th KatieLG-Transpiler 🇬🇧 69 1,015
19th Yewzir 69 1,015
19th cbrt-x 69 1,015
19th HumanoidCPU 69 1,015
19th madeforlosers 69 1,015
19th bac0id 69 1,015
19th Jacob385 69 1,015
19th Mabeloid 🇳🇴 69 1,015
19th CaedenHarper 🇨🇦 69 1,015