primo-ppcg 🇹🇭


97 / 111 Holes


42 / 60 Langs


54 / 77 Cheevos


12 Days of Christmas
💎4th💎 17th3rd 💎2nd2nd 2nd4th4th3rd2nd 💎3rd6th 3rd💎3rd2nd2nd💎 7th 2nd2nd4th 5th2nd2nd4th
99 Bottles of Beer
1st2nd💎2nd2nd2nd3rd💎💎4th4th 1st7th💎💎💎 2nd1st1st 2nd💎💎1st1st2nd 7th 💎4th5th 2nd2nd3rd💎
Abundant Numbers
2nd1st4th3rd5th13th8th11th2nd3rd4th 3rd3rd1st6th1st1st1st2nd7th7th16th18th4th4th5th4th1st8th 9th 1st3rd14th7th4th6th3rd12th
Abundant Numbers (Long)
2nd2nd4th1st 12th 11th💎1st1st 1st5th1st8th1st1st1st1st 2nd14th17th1st3rd 2nd1st4th 4th3rd13th 1st4th2nd11th
Arabic to Roman
1st3rd💎 5th4th 💎1st💎 💎1st💎3rd💎 2nd3rd1st 2nd💎3rd2nd5th💎 6th 2nd1st2nd 2nd💎
Arithmetic Numbers
💎3rd 2nd 5th6th 2nd3rd 16th 3rd1st
💎2nd4th 5th 💎2nd4th 2nd1st 💎 2nd5th5th 4th2nd1st2nd 15th 6th5th 💎
Ascending Primes
3rd4th3rd 💎3rd 💎2nd 3rd 1st4th 2nd 2nd 7th14th
4th 💎 4th 💎 2nd 12th 5th 💎2nd2nd5th 13th 1st10th 2nd
Catalan Numbers
1st💎3rd 5th 💎1st1st 1st1st💎 1st18th1st💎5th1st15th 💎1st 7th3rd1st 3rd1st 2nd
Catalan’s Constant
💎💎💎 💎2nd💎💎💎2nd 2nd2nd💎💎💎1st4th💎1st2nd1st 💎💎💎2nd💎💎3rd1st 1st1st💎 💎2nd💎
Christmas Trees
3rd3rd1st10th8th3rd 💎💎4th 3rd2nd2nd3rd1st 7th1st3rd8th6th 5th2nd3rd2nd4th1st 8th 1st3rd3rd💎7th4th2nd5th
1st3rd4th 💎1st1st 6th2nd 4th 1st 1st 1st4th 23rd 💎8th
CSS Colors
3rd 2nd4th 4th 6th13th 33rd 4th2nd1st 10th 💎4th 💎
2nd 💎 6th 9th 💎 19th 3rd4th
Day of Week
1st1st 1st 💎3rd 1st💎 3rd 1st1st1st 1st31st
4th2nd1st16th7th7th4th💎2nd5th 2nd3rd2nd4th1st 2nd3rd12th6th 10th6th2nd2nd5th4th 22nd 2nd13th3rd2nd2nd5th2nd2nd
3rd3rd3rd1st16th9th1st15th💎1st1st 1st9th1st6th11th1st1st1st1st1st9th17th1st1st1st1st1st2nd 1st 5th1st1st6th14th6th3rd4th
Emirp Numbers
2nd1st3rd2nd3rd20th1st 1st💎4th 1st1st5th10th1st8th1st💎1st4th3rd 5th2nd4th3rd2nd1st 14th 1st1st8th6th5th4th💎4th
Emirp Numbers (Long)
💎3rd💎 5th1st3rd💎💎💎 4th💎 5th15th1st💎1st3rd 1st2nd 28th 1st1st
2nd 💎 💎2nd 1st 💎 💎 16th
Evil Numbers
4th5th1st2nd4th7th8th6th1st1st1st 9th4th1st1st20th8th8th1st1st8th7th9th1st13th1st1st1st6th11th1st1st 4th3rd6th8th8th5th2nd5th
Evil Numbers (Long)
4th1st 21st7th12th💎1st10th 8th1st 8th 1st1st 10th 1st1st 1st1st1st10th1st33rd 4th
1st2nd1st3rd7th7th1st1st1st1st1st 1st1st1st1st1st31st1st2nd1st1st20th28th1st4th1st3rd1st1st1st1st11th1st1st7th5th3rd1st1st11th
Fizz Buzz
4th1st1st3rd2nd1st1st 💎1st4th 4th3rd1st9th12th9th1st1st1st1st8th34th1st3rd💎1st1st1st 1st 1st1st7th7th4th4th3rd7th
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar
1st4th💎 13th 💎2nd 3rd1st 11th 1st5th5th44th15th 1st2nd1st1st1st 1st 10th 2nd 3rd
Forsyth–Edwards Notation
💎 3rd💎 💎 💎 1st💎
1st3rd💎 6th 💎3rd6th 1st💎 12th 💎1st11th 5th5th2nd4th1st5th 42nd 5th1st 💎
Game of Life
Gijswijt’s Sequence
1st 1st 3rd 18th
Happy Numbers
2nd1st3rd2nd3rd18th7th 1st2nd1st 1st1st8th17th6th1st7th1st1st21st12th1st10th6th6th2nd1st4th 1st 3rd1st10th7th7th5th2nd4th
Happy Numbers (Long)
1st3rd2nd 15th15th 💎💎1st 5th1st 6th1st6th💎6th 1st2nd2nd1st2nd1st12th 33rd 4th 2nd
7th 💎 4th 💎 💎 1st2nd 1st1st
2nd2nd 9th 💎💎3rd 2nd1st 5th 9th💎4th2nd 2nd2nd2nd2nd2nd 31st 2nd10th 2nd💎
Inventory Sequence
1st3rd3rd 💎💎3rd 1st3rd 1st 1st 9th 1st1st2nd 2nd 4th
4th6th2nd 28th 💎4th 2nd5th 💎 2nd1st1st 5th2nd2nd5th 10th 1st4th 3rd
Jacobi Symbol
💎2nd💎💎 💎2nd💎💎💎💎3rd💎💎3rd💎1st2nd💎 💎💎💎2nd 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 💎💎3rd💎2nd2nd💎💎
Kaprekar Numbers
Kolakoski Constant
💎💎💎 3rd 💎3rd3rd 💎💎 2nd 8th💎3rd6th 💎💎5th💎4th 6th 💎7th 2nd💎
Kolakoski Sequence
4th2nd1st1st 15th1st10th💎💎1st 2nd5th2nd 5th 1st💎1st9th 1st 2nd4th1st1st3rd 16th 3rd13th 2nd2nd
Leap Years
2nd1st💎1st4th7th1st3rd💎5th1st 9th1st10th1st4th11th8th5th💎1st1st6th 3rd1st3rd1st2nd1st8th12th 1st3rd1st5th3rd2nd1st13th
Levenshtein Distance
3rd 9th 💎 1st 1st 💎 3rd6th 3rd2nd 1st 40th 3rd1st 8th💎
Leyland Numbers
1st2nd2nd 5th3rd4th💎3rd2nd 3rd4th6th5th1st 9th5th💎3rd14th 2nd2nd💎1st6th 6th 1st5th 7th 2nd💎
ln 2
💎💎💎 2nd8th3rd💎2nd6th 3rd4th💎4th1st11th2nd💎4th1st1st 3rd2nd💎1st1st3rd6th1st 5th15th💎💎💎2nd💎2nd
Look and Say
3rd3rd3rd2nd 8th 💎2nd2nd 2nd2nd2nd 1st 10th1st3rd1st 4th3rd1st2nd4th 20th 2nd1st 5th2nd
Lucky Numbers
💎💎2nd 💎2nd1st 2nd💎 3rd 1st4th5th 3rd3rd2nd1st2nd 17th 3rd3rd 2nd2nd2nd
Lucky Tickets
💎2nd2nd 4th2nd 💎2nd1st 1st1st💎 1st 2nd💎3rd1st 2nd💎3rd💎5th 19th 4th14th 2nd💎
Medal Tally
Morse Decoder
💎💎 3rd 💎 5th 4th2nd 💎💎3rd2nd 16th 2nd4th 💎
Morse Encoder
1st 8th 💎 💎 💎 8th4th 💎2nd6th 5th 💎2nd 💎
Musical Chords
💎2nd 💎2nd4th 3rd 💎 💎2nd2nd 13th 1st4th 2nd
Niven Numbers
1st1st1st1st4th18th1st13th1st1st1st 12th1st1st1st14th1st1st5th1st1st1st19th26th1st1st1st1st1st7th1st1st 1st6th1st6th1st1st2nd16th
Niven Numbers (Long)
1st 1st 13th24th7th💎2nd1st 5th9th3rd1st1st13th4th1st8th 24th4th6th5th13th 14th2nd87th 1st1st6th3rd6th5th 8th
Number Spiral
2nd3rd3rd 💎3rd 3rd💎 2nd 1st2nd5th5th 1st 3rd💎💎 💎
Odious Numbers
4th6th1st2nd4th2nd8th23rd1st1st1st 9th3rd1st1st17th8th8th1st1st7th3rd9th1st13th1st6th1st2nd11th1st1st 4th5th1st8th8th1st2nd5th
Odious Numbers (Long)
4th1st 1st7th18th💎1st1st 8th1st 8th 1st1st 1st 1st1st 1st1st2nd11th1st1st 4th
Ordinal Numbers
5th4th3rd 2nd7th 💎3rd7th 2nd2nd2nd4th5th17th2nd2nd2nd1st7th 8th3rd3rd1st4th4th 4th 1st14th15th1st6th2nd💎
Pangram Grep
2nd4th1st 8th 💎2nd3rd5th6th2nd10th1st5th1st1st3rd💎3rd1st6th 11th1st1st1st2nd3rd 1st 2nd5th9th 1st 2nd
Pascal’s Triangle
💎3rd1st4th6th6th4th1st3rd1st 1st5th7th2nd1st12th1st1st6th2nd8th 1st7th3rd1st6th6th 1st 1st1st4th3rd9th3rd1st4th
Pernicious Numbers
2nd1st1st1st6th1st1st1st1st3rd1st 14th1st10th3rd1st1st5th1st1st1st1st16th15th1st1st1st1st1st1st1st1st 1st1st1st10th14th1st2nd1st
Pernicious Numbers (Long)
4th3rd2nd 1st11th4th💎4th1st 10th1st3rd1st 4th1st10th1st7th 4th2nd6th1st1st10th 32nd 4th17th1st 8th3rd 5th
💎 4th 💎 3rd 3rd4th 💎💎 20th 2nd4th 💎
Prime Numbers
4th1st💎2nd4th8th9th5th1st1st1st 9th1st1st5th21st4th1st1st1st4th1st10th39th1st1st2nd1st💎9th16th1st 1st1st1st5th17th1st1st3rd
Prime Numbers (Long)
4th1st2nd2nd 5th1st4th💎💎11th 8th1st1st10th4th 1st1st1st1st20th39th14th10th1st3rd1st 1st 1st1st 1st
Proximity Grid
💎 💎 2nd
QR Decoder
4th 💎 💎 6th
1st1st1st3rd2nd5th1st 💎1st5th 1st1st2nd1st1st1st1st1st1st1st1st19th1st1st1st1st3rd12th1st1st 12th1st1st1st1st10th1st1st
2nd2nd2nd 3rd5th16th💎2nd5th 3rd2nd3rd 5th 2nd2nd5th25th 5th2nd1st💎3rd 3rd 4th11th 1st💎
Repeating Decimals
4th 1st
Reverse Polish Notation
4th💎 💎💎 1st 1st 💎 30th 2nd1st💎 43rd 1st 3rd
Rijndael S-box
💎 💎 2nd
3rd 3rd 💎2nd2nd 2nd 3rd💎 💎6th11th 💎3rd 3rd 10th 2nd7th2nd 💎
Roman to Arabic
2nd4th💎 3rd10th 💎4th8th 5th1st💎10th💎 2nd💎5th1st 8th7th1st1st3rd2nd 27th 2nd1st3rd 7th4th💎
Rule 110
💎2nd3rd 4th6th 💎💎8th 2nd1st1st5th4th 2nd6th1st 4th6th💎3rd💎💎 24th 4th15th3rd 4th2nd2nd2nd
Seven Segment
💎2nd4th 4th3rd 💎2nd💎 💎💎 💎 💎4th5th 2nd💎2nd3rd💎1st 1st 3rd1st2nd 💎💎💎
Sierpiński Triangle
1st💎2nd 1st6th1st💎3rd5th 3rd2nd💎5th4th3rd4th💎6th1st💎 💎1st💎1st1st5th 1st 2nd6th2nd2nd2nd3rd2nd3rd
Smith Numbers
💎2nd2nd 4th 💎2nd2nd 4th💎 💎6th8th💎2nd9th 2nd💎4th2nd 13th 6th 2nd
Spelling Numbers
3rd 4th 💎1st 💎 4th14th 5th 💎3rd2nd 14th 3rd5th 💎
Star Wars Opening Crawl
3rd 💎 4th 2nd💎 9th 💎2nd
💎 💎 5th 3rd 4th
Sudoku (Fill-in)
💎2nd 💎 2nd 💎 9th 💎 💎 5th
Ten-pin Bowling
2nd💎 2nd 💎💎2nd 💎 💎 💎4th3rd 2nd💎3rd2nd1st 3rd 2nd3rd 2nd2nd
Time Distance
2nd 💎 2nd 2nd
3rd3rd 10th 💎2nd3rd 4th5th 2nd 5th8th 5th4th💎 27th 5th 💎
United States
2nd💎💎 6th 💎2nd💎 2nd💎2nd3rd 2nd2nd 💎2nd2nd2nd2nd 4th 2nd💎 💎
Vampire Numbers
💎2nd💎 💎2nd💎 1st2nd 💎 1st6th7th 3rd💎💎💎 💎 1st2nd 💎
Van Eck Sequence
3rd3rd1st 5th 💎1st5th 3rd1st💎 1st 1st2nd4th12th 5th2nd3rd5th2nd 1st 6th1st 3rd💎
Zodiac Signs
💎 1st 💎 💎💎 1st 💎 2nd💎
💎 2nd 1st 16th
2nd 3rd💎2nd31st13th 💎2nd4th 2nd💎4th11th4th3rd6th2nd2nd6th3rd 10th9th4th💎3rd2nd 13th 2nd6th11th6th5th6th💎5th
4th2nd2nd💎3rd2nd3rd2nd💎1st3rd 3rd3rd💎1st1st7th1st💎1st1st1st 3rd2nd💎4th💎1st7th1st 2nd4th💎💎💎2nd2nd2nd
3rd2nd2nd💎2nd3rd3rd2nd💎2nd3rd 2nd3rd💎1st1st6th1st💎1st1st1st 3rd2nd💎4th💎💎6th3rd 2nd5th💎💎💎2nd2nd2nd
3rd2nd3rd💎3rd3rd2nd4th💎4th8th 4th4th💎4th1st1st5th💎3rd1st1st 3rd2nd💎1st1st1st9th1st 1st1st💎💎💎5th💎2nd
4th2nd2nd💎2nd2nd4th3rd💎4th9th 3rd3rd💎1st💎1st1st💎8th1st1st 3rd2nd💎1st1st1st8th1st 1st1st2nd💎💎5th2nd💎
3rd2nd2nd2nd4th3rd8th5th💎2nd4th 1st2nd1st2nd1st2nd10th💎4th1st1st 3rd💎2nd4th4th1st7th1st 1st7th3rd💎2nd2nd2nd4th