The Set hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?




25 / 114 Holes


3 / 60 Langs


18 / 78 Cheevos


josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿฅช Smรถrgรฅsbord
josh-h-90 solved Leap Years in Java
josh-h-90 solved Rijndael S-box in PHP
josh-h-90 earned ๐ŸŒ๏ธ Fore!
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿฅง Pi Day
josh-h-90 solved ฮณ in PHP
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿท Aged like Fine Wine
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ Big Brother
josh-h-90 solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Look and Say in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Collatz in PHP
josh-h-90 earned 3 achievements: โญ ๐Ÿƒ ๐Ÿบ
josh-h-90 earned โญ My God, Itโ€™s Full of Stars
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿƒ Blackjack
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿบ The Watering Hole
josh-h-90 solved Catalan Numbers in PHP
josh-h-90 solved ASCII Table in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Java
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿ‰ Itโ€™s Over 9000!
josh-h-90 solved Odious Numbers (Long) in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Odious Numbers in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Niven Numbers (Long) in PHP
josh-h-90 solved ฯ† in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in PHP
josh-h-90 solved ISBN in PHP
josh-h-90 solved ฯ€ in Java
josh-h-90 solved ฯ€ in PHP
josh-h-90 earned 6 achievements: ๐Ÿž โ˜• ๐ŸŽธ ๐Ÿชž ๐Ÿ’ผ ๐Ÿฆฅ
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿž Bakerโ€™s Dozen
josh-h-90 earned โ˜• Caffeinated
josh-h-90 earned ๐ŸŽธ Up to Eleven
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿชž Solve Quine
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿ’ผ Interview Ready
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿฆฅ Slowcoach
josh-h-90 solved Tongue-twisters in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Leap Years in JavaScript
josh-h-90 solved Leap Years in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Divisors in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Quine in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Vampire Numbers in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Fizz Buzz in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Fibonacci in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Niven Numbers in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Emojify in PHP
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿ“• RTFM
josh-h-90 solved Prime Numbers in PHP
josh-h-90 solved Evil Numbers in PHP
josh-h-90 earned 2 achievements: ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ‘‹
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿ˜ ElePHPant in the Room
josh-h-90 earned ๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello, World!