


5 / 108 Holes


1 / 58 Langs


6 / 75 Cheevos


b-illy solved Abundant Numbers in Coconut
b-illy solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Coconut
b-illy solved Reverse Polish Notation in Coconut
b-illy solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
b-illy solved Intersection in Coconut
b-illy solved Fibonacci in Coconut
b-illy solved Fizz Buzz in Coconut
b-illy solved United States in Coconut
b-illy solved Divisors in Coconut
b-illy solved Seven Segment in Coconut
b-illy solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Coconut
b-illy solved Leap Years in Coconut
b-illy solved Niven Numbers in Coconut
b-illy solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Coconut
b-illy solved Pernicious Numbers in Coconut
b-illy solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Coconut
b-illy solved Prime Numbers in Coconut
b-illy solved Emojify in Coconut
b-illy solved Leyland Numbers in Coconut
b-illy solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Coconut
b-illy solved Day of Week in Coconut
b-illy solved Christmas Trees in Coconut
b-illy solved Van Eck Sequence in Coconut
b-illy solved Evil Numbers in Coconut
b-illy solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Coconut
b-illy solved Odious Numbers in Coconut
b-illy solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Coconut
b-illy solved Van Eck Sequence in Python
CaedenHarper solved Niven Numbers in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Niven Numbers in Python
b-illy solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Python
CaedenHarper solved RecamΓ‘n in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved RecamΓ‘n in Python
b-illy solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Python
CaedenHarper solved 12 Days of Christmas in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Fizz Buzz in Assembly
CaedenHarper solved Fizz Buzz in Factor
CaedenHarper solved Fizz Buzz in Prolog
CaedenHarper solved Fizz Buzz in TeX
CaedenHarper solved Van Eck Sequence in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Van Eck Sequence in Python
CaedenHarper solved Inventory Sequence in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Inventory Sequence in Python
CaedenHarper solved Look and Say in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Fizz Buzz in Scheme
CaedenHarper earned 😈 Evil Scheme
CaedenHarper solved Levenshtein Distance in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
CaedenHarper solved Fractions in Python
CaedenHarper solved ISBN in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved ISBN in Python
CaedenHarper solved Pascal’s Triangle in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
CaedenHarper solved Lucky Numbers in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Lucky Numbers in Python
CaedenHarper solved Leyland Numbers in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Ο† in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Farey Sequence in Python
CaedenHarper solved Catalan Numbers in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Catalan Numbers in Python
CaedenHarper solved PalindromemordnilaP in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved PalindromemordnilaP in Python
CaedenHarper solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
b-illy earned πŸ§ͺ Black-box Testing
CaedenHarper solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Christmas Trees in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Christmas Trees in Python
b-illy solved Intersection in Python
CaedenHarper solved Intersection in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Intersection in Python
b-illy solved Arithmetic Numbers in Python
CaedenHarper solved Pangram Grep in Raku
b-illy solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
CaedenHarper earned πŸ—‘οΈ rm -rf
CaedenHarper solved Reverse Polish Notation in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
b-illy solved Emirp Numbers in Python
CaedenHarper solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Day of Week in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Day of Week in Python
CaedenHarper solved Emirp Numbers in Coconut
CaedenHarper solved Emirp Numbers in Python
b-illy earned πŸ—‘οΈ rm -rf
b-illy solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Python
b-illy solved Day of Week in Python
b-illy earned πŸ”ž Rule 34
b-illy solved Leyland Numbers in Python
b-illy earned ⭐ My God, It’s Full of Stars
b-illy solved Prime Numbers in Python
CaedenHarper earned πŸͺ¦ 0xDEAD
b-illy solved ASCII Table in Python
CaedenHarper solved ln 2 in Python
CaedenHarper solved Fizz Buzz in jq
b-illy solved Christmas Trees in Python
b-illy solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
b-illy solved Abundant Numbers in Python
b-illy earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
b-illy solved Niven Numbers in Python
b-illy solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
CaedenHarper solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Python