JPRuskin πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§



18 / 102 Holes


1 / 55 Langs


10 / 67 Cheevos


JPRuskin solved 24 Game in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Niven Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
HeyItsGilbert solved ASCII Table in PowerShell
HeyItsGilbert earned πŸ“• RTFM
HeyItsGilbert followed JPRuskin
corbob solved Niven Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
corbob solved Niven Numbers in PowerShell
corbob solved Ο€ in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Factorial Factorisation in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved QR Decoder in PowerShell
HeyItsGilbert earned πŸ‘‹ Hello, World!
JPRuskin solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
JPRuskin earned 2 achievements: πŸ‰ 🍞
JPRuskin earned πŸ‰ It’s Over 9000!
JPRuskin earned 🍞 Baker’s Dozen
JPRuskin solved Evil Numbers in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Fibonacci in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Prime Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
corbob solved Prime Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
corbob earned 2 achievements: πŸƒ 🍺
corbob earned πŸƒ Blackjack
corbob earned 🍺 The Watering Hole
corbob solved Prime Numbers in PowerShell
corbob solved Fibonacci in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Day of Week in PowerShell
corbob solved Day of Week in PowerShell
corbob solved Pascal’s Triangle in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Emirp Numbers in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Divisors in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Niven Numbers in PowerShell
Jaykul earned πŸ“• RTFM
JPRuskin solved Christmas Trees in PowerShell
JPRuskin earned 🎸 Up to Eleven
corbob solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved ASCII Table in PowerShell
corbob solved Happy Numbers in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved 99 Bottles of Beer in PowerShell
Jaykul solved 99 Bottles of Beer in PowerShell
corbob solved Christmas Trees in PowerShell
corbob solved 24 Game in PowerShell
corbob solved Ascending Primes in PowerShell
corbob earned 3 achievements: 🍞 🎸 πŸ¦₯
corbob earned 🍞 Baker’s Dozen
corbob earned 🎸 Up to Eleven
corbob earned πŸ¦₯ Slowcoach
corbob solved 99 Bottles of Beer in PowerShell
corbob solved Kolakoski Constant in PowerShell
corbob solved Factorial Factorisation in PowerShell
JPRuskin earned πŸ¦₯ Slowcoach
corbob solved Evil Numbers in PowerShell
corbob solved Pernicious Numbers in PowerShell
corbob solved Odious Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
corbob solved United States in PowerShell
corbob solved Leap Years in PowerShell
corbob solved Smith Numbers in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Leap Years in PowerShell
corbob earned 2 achievements: 🏌️ πŸ‘οΈ
corbob earned 🏌️ Fore!
corbob earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
corbob solved ASCII Table in PowerShell
JPRuskin solved Ξ» in PowerShell
corbob solved 12 Days of Christmas in PowerShell
corbob followed JPRuskin
JPRuskin earned 2 achievements: πŸ‘οΈ 🏌️
JPRuskin earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
JPRuskin earned 🏌️ Fore!
Jaykul solved United States in PowerShell
corbob solved Fizz Buzz in PowerShell
corbob earned 3 achievements: πŸ’Ό πŸ‘‹ πŸ“•
corbob earned πŸ’Ό Interview Ready
corbob earned πŸ‘‹ Hello, World!
corbob earned πŸ“• RTFM
IISResetMe solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Tongue-twisters in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Look and Say in PowerShell
HCRitter solved Day of Week in PowerShell
KevinMarquette solved 24 Game in PowerShell
KevinMarquette solved ln 2 in PowerShell
KevinMarquette solved Rijndael S-box in PowerShell
KevinMarquette solved 99 Bottles of Beer in PowerShell
KevinMarquette solved Pascal’s Triangle in PowerShell
KevinMarquette solved Day of Week in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Cubes in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Smith Numbers in PowerShell
HCRitter solved 24 Game in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Collatz in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Catalan Numbers in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved 24 Game in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Ascending Primes in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Niven Numbers in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Pangram Grep in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Van Eck Sequence in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Ο„ in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Roman to Arabic in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Kolakoski Sequence in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Time Distance in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Evil Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Emirp Numbers in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Abundant Numbers in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved United States in PowerShell
IISResetMe solved Spelling Numbers in PowerShell
IISResetMe earned πŸƒ Marathon Runner