


27 / 105 Holes


13 / 55 Langs


21 / 68 Cheevos


5quiwyrm earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
5quiwyrm solved Prime Numbers in C
5quiwyrm solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Python
5quiwyrm solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
5quiwyrm solved Abundant Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
5quiwyrm solved Diamonds in Python
5quiwyrm earned 🏌️ Fore!
5quiwyrm solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
5quiwyrm earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Catalan Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Pernicious Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Pernicious Numbers in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Fractions in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Fractions in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in Python
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in C
5quiwyrm solved Fractions in Python
5quiwyrm earned πŸ‹ Twenty Kiloleagues
5quiwyrm solved Reverse Polish Notation in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Prime Numbers in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers (Long) in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Pangram Grep in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Quine in Lua
5quiwyrm solved Quine in ><>
5quiwyrm solved Leap Years in Python
5quiwyrm solved Leap Years in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Leap Years in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Fizz Buzz in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Odious Numbers in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Fizz Buzz in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in GolfScript
5quiwyrm solved Abundant Numbers in GolfScript
5quiwyrm earned 🌈 Different Strokes
5quiwyrm earned πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday, Code Golf
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in C
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers in C#
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in C
5quiwyrm solved Prime Numbers in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Prime Numbers in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Fizz Buzz in Python
5quiwyrm solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Python
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers in Java
5quiwyrm solved Odious Numbers (Long) in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Odious Numbers in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers (Long) in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers in C
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Python
5quiwyrm solved Odious Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Python
5quiwyrm solved Evil Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in C
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in Java
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in C++
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in C#
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in Lua
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in Java
5quiwyrm solved Collatz in C#
5quiwyrm solved Prime Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in C++
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in Crystal
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in C#
5quiwyrm earned 2 achievements: πŸ”£ 🐘
5quiwyrm earned πŸ”£ Polyglot
5quiwyrm earned 🐘 ElePHPant in the Room
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in PHP
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in C++
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in JavaScript
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in Ruby
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in Java
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in Lua
5quiwyrm earned πŸƒ Blackjack
5quiwyrm solved 𝑒 in Python
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in Lua
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Fibonacci in Python
5quiwyrm solved Abundant Numbers in PowerShell
5quiwyrm earned πŸ§ͺ Black-box Testing
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in Java
5quiwyrm earned β˜• Caffeinated
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in PowerShell
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in Lua
5quiwyrm earned 🍺 The Watering Hole
5quiwyrm solved Happy Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Divisors in Python
5quiwyrm earned πŸ’Ό Interview Ready
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
5quiwyrm solved Niven Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm solved Ordinal Numbers in Python
5quiwyrm earned πŸ‰ It’s Over 9000!