The N Queens hole will go live in . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Forsyth–Edwards Notation JayXon 💎 177
Forsyth–Edwards Notation Yewzir 263
Forsyth–Edwards Notation kkoenig 1,124
Forsyth–Edwards Notation fuglyknowsbest 288
Forsyth–Edwards Notation stefangimmillaro 211
Forsyth–Edwards Notation msbranicky 246
Forsyth–Edwards Notation sean-niemann 🥉 195
Forsyth–Edwards Notation Shanethegamer 215
Forsyth–Edwards Notation eli-siegel 567
Forsyth–Edwards Notation emplv 210
Forsyth–Edwards Notation nwellnhof 🥈 184
Forsyth–Edwards Notation MeWhenI 215