The N Queens hole will go live in . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
𝑒 Pale-Vessel 1,015
𝑒 kurkale6ka 1,014
𝑒 dokutan 858
𝑒 HumanoidCPU 1,014
𝑒 Yewzir 206
𝑒 BREMAUCY 1,014
𝑒 btnlq 🥇 49
𝑒 annaproxy 🥉 51
𝑒 GrayJoKing 🥇 49
𝑒 HumanEquivalentUnit 1,011
𝑒 SB-945 1,017
𝑒 Shanethegamer 1,014
𝑒 snoozingnewt 1,014
𝑒 TaserTheFox 1,014
𝑒 galloj 1,014
𝑒 klixel 1,017
𝑒 Firefox760 1,028
𝑒 InigoK 1,017
𝑒 KatieLG 1,016
𝑒 retrohun 1,014
𝑒 PPKFS 1,016
𝑒 IanUtley 🥉 51
𝑒 KatieLG-Transpiler 1,017
𝑒 voytxt 1,014
𝑒 rvdnieuwendijk 1,014
𝑒 primo-ppcg 55
𝑒 Lydxn 🥉 51
𝑒 lynn 78
𝑒 mokymok 1,014
𝑒 MeWhenI 1,014