


2 / 108 Holes


1 / 58 Langs


6 / 75 Cheevos


InigoK earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
InigoK earned 🍱 Omniglutton
nathanfarlow earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
InigoK earned 2 achievements: 🎈 🌌
InigoK earned 🎈 Neunundneunzig Luftballons
InigoK earned 🌌 May the 4α΅—Κ° Be with You
InigoK solved N Queens in Python
InigoK solved Farey Sequence in Python
InigoK earned πŸ₯§ Pi Day
InigoK earned πŸŽ… Twelvetide
InigoK solved 𝑒 in Clojure
InigoK solved DFA Simulator in Python
InigoK earned πŸ§› Vampire Byte
InigoK solved Sudoku v2 in Python
InigoK solved Ξ³ in Python
InigoK solved 𝑒 in Factor
InigoK solved 𝑒 in Berry
InigoK solved Rijndael S-box in Python
InigoK solved Arithmetic Numbers in Python
InigoK earned πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday, Code Golf
InigoK solved ln 2 in Python
InigoK solved 𝑒 in Forth
InigoK earned 🏞️ Go Forth!
InigoK solved CSS Colors in Python
InigoK solved Kolakoski Constant in Python
InigoK solved Ο† in Python
InigoK solved Sudoku in Python
InigoK solved Arrows in Python
InigoK solved Emojify in Python
InigoK solved Look and Say in Python
InigoK solved Zodiac Signs in Python
InigoK solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Python
InigoK solved Maze in Python
InigoK solved Lucky Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Pangram Grep in Python
InigoK solved Morse Encoder in Python
InigoK solved Catalan’s Constant in Python
InigoK solved Ξ» in Python
InigoK solved Niven Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Python
InigoK solved ISBN in Python
InigoK solved Collatz in Python
InigoK solved brainfuck in Python
InigoK earned πŸ¦‹ Real Programmers
InigoK solved Musical Chords in Python
InigoK solved Ο€ in Python
InigoK solved Ο„ in Python
InigoK solved Jacobi Symbol in Python
InigoK solved Hexdump in Python
InigoK solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Python
InigoK solved Christmas Trees in Python
InigoK solved Emirp Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Python
InigoK solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
InigoK solved Abundant Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
InigoK solved QR Decoder in Python
InigoK solved Spelling Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Rule 110 in Python
InigoK solved Poker in Python
InigoK solved Lucky Tickets in Python
InigoK solved Ordinal Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Seven Segment in Python
InigoK solved Fractions in Python
InigoK solved Leyland Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Catalan Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Smith Numbers in Python
InigoK solved RecamΓ‘n in Python
InigoK solved Arabic to Roman in Python
InigoK solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
InigoK solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Python
InigoK solved Number Spiral in Python
InigoK solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
InigoK earned πŸ“ Right On!
InigoK solved Medal Tally in Python
InigoK solved Roman to Arabic in Python
InigoK solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Python
InigoK solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Python
InigoK solved Proximity Grid in Python
InigoK solved Time Distance in Python
InigoK solved Leap Years in Python
InigoK solved Kolakoski Sequence in Python
InigoK solved ASCII Table in Python
nathanfarlow solved CSS Colors in Python
nathanfarlow earned 🌈 Different Strokes
InigoK solved Fizz Buzz in Python
InigoK solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Python
InigoK solved Odious Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Python
InigoK solved Evil Numbers in Python
InigoK solved Pernicious Numbers in Python
InigoK solved ISBN in Fortran
InigoK earned πŸ“š Archivist
InigoK solved ISBN in COBOL
InigoK solved ISBN in BASIC
InigoK solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Python
InigoK solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Python
InigoK solved 𝑒 in Python
InigoK solved √2 in Python
nathanfarlow solved 12 Days of Christmas in Python
nathanfarlow earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother